You don't feel the uptake, but you can feel the flashy aroma and sweetness of the glorious Fuji on the palate, but the sour and spicy flavors come out and cut through nicely. Hmmm, I prefer it a bit more subdued 😅.
Second bottle this year. It's the second bottle this year. It was left on the shelf for a while after I bought it, but it was slightly fizzy, so it didn't change at all from the last time. It's not flashy, but it's complex, and you don't get tired of it. It is not flashy, but it is complex and tasty.
It's so active... even if you put it in the fridge, the lid flies off 😅I couldn't stand it up in the fridge, so I drank nearly 5 cups of it with my mouth open 😁.
The supernatant is full of the sweetness and deliciousness of the Aisan, but the ori is a bit bitter... maybe I should mix the ori with it.
And by the way, the lid flew off when the bottle was empty...