亀山慎也Sogga pere et filsサケ エロティックObuse WineryNagano1/27/2023, 5:54:17 AM25亀山慎也It's that time of year again! Glad I got it again this year!Japanese>English
亀山慎也HououbidenみかんKobayashi ShuzoTochigi1/22/2023, 7:32:28 AM22亀山慎也More tangerine than tangerine! They are good but you drink them up in seconds lolJapanese>English
亀山慎也AramasaヴィリジアンラベルAramasa ShuzoAkita1/18/2023, 12:01:44 AM23亀山慎也I haven't bought one in ages! I'm going to put it to sleep for safekeeping!Japanese>English
亀山慎也かぶとむしせんきんTochigi6/21/2022, 1:00:10 PM34亀山慎也Beetle of my dreams! Refreshing and delicious! But maybe it's because it's not hot yet. Maybe I prefer the thick juiciness of Organic Naturals. I'll drink it in hotter weather!Japanese>English
亀山慎也Sanuki CloudyKawatsuru ShuzoKagawa6/21/2022, 12:52:56 PM23亀山慎也A bottle that will change your concept of sake! It tastes not like sake in a good way. Sake is a swamp! Japanese>English
亀山慎也Sharakudot SAKE projectMiyaizumi ShuzoFukushima6/4/2022, 9:25:08 AMワインと地酒 武田 倉敷店17亀山慎也dot SAKE project Vol. 5! On Sale Nationwide Today! (Limited to 3000 bottles!) Fukushima Prefecture "Sharaku" Sharaku Bottle I could buy it!Japanese>English
亀山慎也IchinokuraMadena貴醸酒IchinokuraMiyagi5/31/2022, 3:17:26 PM家飲み部21亀山慎也Sake with a strong peculiarity in a good sense. I would like to pair it with dessert. Japanese>English
亀山慎也Hidakami日高見 夏酒Hirako ShuzoMiyagi5/31/2022, 3:07:27 PM家飲み部23亀山慎也A sake that goes well with sushi, as is typical of Hitakami. It's just that it's a bad boy that can be drunk more smoothly than usual.Japanese>English