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はなぴんThe second drink is an aged type. 😍 The one that has been cold aged for over a year. 😊 Dossy, rich, and tender. Aromatic flavor. 😂 Al 18 degrees, but if you drink it cold, It goes in Swissy. I like it 😋. I think there are two types of tastes I think it's a sake that you can have two different tastes. I think it's a good drink for both.
はなぴんWith fried swordfish. 😋 My favorite Kikusui series. 😊 Among them, this Kaoruka Funaguchi, unique full-bodied and umami flavor. I love it. 😍😍. Instead of brewed alcohol, it contains shochu made from sake lees. Instead of brewed alcohol, it contains shochu made from sake lees, I think that may be the reason why it is made with shochu made from sake lees instead of brewed alcohol. 😋
ポンちゃんHanapin Good evening 🦉. So it's not brewed alcohol 😳‼️ maybe that's why it was so dark and tasty when I drank it at a tasting😊👍I want to drink a bottle properly😁.
はなぴんGood morning, Pon. 😊 It's dark and delicious. In this series 😋, No wonder it's the most expensive. 😂 But it's hard to find it for sale. 😫
Kikusuiアルピニスト 純米吟醸純米吟醸原酒
Bic Camera (ビックカメラ 札幌店)
Masaaki Sapporo6.5 points (5.5 points) Rice:Niigata rice Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 17.5 Sake degree: +2 Acidity: 1.4 Purchased at Bic Camera Sapporo Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Silent when opened No gas feeling Rice malt and a slight banana-like top note The same aroma as the top rise, with a chestnut-like aroma, the firm umami and sweetness of rice spreads with mild acidity, and the spiciness and slight bitterness of the alcohol makes the taste crisp and clean. It has a rather robust, slightly classical, mellow, dry taste that goes well with meals and can also be savored on its own. It resembles Funaguchi's Ichiban Shibori Aged Ginjo-Nama Nama-shu (the red one), so perhaps this is its base? It went well with a Japanese dish of baked sweet potato (Silk Sweet) and blue cheese (Hanabatake Farm's Blue Camembert), a recipe from Abe-chan in Fukaya, Sake-no-wa, and a macaroni salad with octopus head. It also went well with low-temperature-cooked steak (Kumamoto's red beef from Furusato).
DaiA crisp, light, dry sake. It has a light texture, so it is not fruity, but it is easy to drink. It is also cosmetically pleasing, making it ideal for drinking at home.
寿梨庵I was really curious about this limited edition Daiginjo✨. I say limited... but they sell quite a few 😅. The aroma of the regular can is not as sweet and mild as the regular can, and has a nice, clean aroma. Fresh and peachy on the palate. Fruitiness 🍑. Then a firm rice flavor (weaker than the normal can), followed by a sharp, mild astringent finish 😌. I think the regular can is for BBQ and the green can is for beach baked fish, but this one is.... I think it's more versatile, and I think it's for seafood, including sashimi 🐟. I want to stock up an icebox full of it and go out to various places 🚃. It's a great time of year to do so 😊. I would be happy if I could open more and more there - a bit of a luxury ✨.
さけランGood morning. What's up? Jurian was wondering about this too? "The smell of a normal can of mellow ...... is a nice aroma." No, that's exactly what I was thinking. But it's surprisingly inexpensive in terms of Yongbottle. I've got a cooler box full of them! It looks good!
寿梨庵Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. It looks casual at first glance but when poured into a glass it has an advanced taste ✨It comes in handy 👍 I've been stocking up on them since I haven't seen them around lately 😅.
Kikusuiふなぐち 一番しぼり 熟成吟醸生原酒吟醸原酒生酒
ビックリッキー 美園店
Masaaki Sapporo5.5 points (wife: 4 points) Rice polishing ratio : 55 Alcohol percentage : 19 Ingredients : rice, rice koji, brewing alcohol Rice used: 100% Niigata rice Purchased at: Bickey Misono Store Silent when opened No gas feeling Slight ripe banana and alcohol overtones The same aroma as the first rise, with a ripe aroma like chestnuts, a full sweetness and firm rice flavor that spreads out with a slightly heavy acidity, and a spiciness and slight bitterness from the alcohol that quickly fades away. It has a solid impression due to its maturity, and although it goes well with meals, it feels a little heavy on its own. It goes well with bonito sashimi and homemade tataki.
Kikusuiふなぐち 一番しぼり スパークリング
夢茶苦茶也Kikusui Funaguchi Ichiban Shibori after a long time! Sparkling! I was surprised to find it in the bottle. I opened it immediately. The first sip was a sizzle! I think I might drink too much, but a bottle is 270 ml, so I think it will be moderate. Alcohol content: 19%. Rice polishing ratio 70%.
Kikusuiふなぐち 菊水 一番しぼり大吟醸原酒生酒
la50th Anniversary Sake, first drink. Smells like green tea ice cream. Lactic acidity as the temperature rises. It is smooth, with the sweetness of rice, spiciness, and a firm taste in the middle, and the strength and bitterness of the alcohol give it a sharp taste. It is delicious and appetizing. Try it on the rocks as recommended. The sweetness stands out, and the bitterness and lactic acidity give it a refreshing kick. There is a gentle flavor of rice in the middle.