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611 Nakaogawa, Hagi, Yamaguchi
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Toyobijin女神の冬の詩 純米大吟醸
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Gorgeous and fruity aroma, as is typical of Toyo Bijin. It is sweet to the end, even when savored slowly on the tongue. After swallowing, the gorgeous aroma follows you to the back of your nose.
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Sushihanatei Takumi (すし華亭 匠)
A little drink in Utsunomiya🐾 with Shinshin SY, J&N and Kotori Part 6 We had a lot to talk about with the sake stores recommended by Shinshin and the members of Sake-no-wa, but Shinshin said, "I'm going to stop now..." and he pulled out a bottle of Toyo Bijin Sake Mirai from his backpack 😍what a thoughtful gesture❕ Cheers again🥂! The fruity, melting, ephemeral, sweet and savory taste made my cup runneth over 😚 (I've already told the restaurant not to serve it) The time for the bus was approaching and it was time to say goodbye 🥲 Next, my backpack presented me with a gift of Ichigen Ramen 😳He said he found out that I like sake and ramen and prepared it for me 🥹 I was very grateful and took one box each from J&N ❕. I saw him off to the bus stop ❕ and 👋🏻
Good evening, Kotori-san. Thank you very much for joining us on such short notice. It started with the preliminary inspection of the izakaya (Japanese-style pub) where the Tochigi Prefectural Citizens' Meeting was to be held, followed by soba noodles and sake, and the LRT test ride that I had wanted to try. Thanks for the many memories!
Shinshin SY senpai 🤭Good morning 🤭We were only planning to have a quick drink before the class meeting...but thank you so much for your time here and there and for your thoughtful gift 🥹We hope to see you again when you are available 🍶.
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酒と肴 炭猿
Limited edition. Nao Kumi Nama. A lot of long sake with a lot of different titles... It is fruity and firm. 16 degrees Celsius. This is delicious with a firm umami. And this kind of sake will surely make you drunk if you don't drink Wakarimizu well. It's a scary type of sake that can be enjoyed on its own. It is my favorite sake!

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