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Toyobijin醇道一途 純米吟醸 亀の尾 槽垂れ 本生純米吟醸生酒
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This is my first Toyo Bijin. I had drunk Yachiyo Shuzo's Room twice and wondered what kind of Toyo Bijin was in its class, but I happened to find it at a store I had been visiting for a while, so I bought it on the spur of the moment! The standing aroma is tropical and a bit gorgeous with pineapple and melon fruits. Is this the sweetness of Oriental Beauty? The sweetness is firm but moist and not stinging! There is also an impression of peach in addition to the fruits mentioned earlier. It is sweet, but not unpleasantly so, and has a very elegant bitterness, so it can be paired with appetizers, such as salads and cheese. This is the taste of Miyamanishiki of Hanahayo and Junodai of Hachitanishiki, right? This is delicious! Speaking of fruity sweet sake without any corners, Ding was great, but Toyo Bijin is also great!