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7-22 Kitajima, Eiheiji, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
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I love the solidity of this one... But it's not too thick. It doesn't feel like a sake. It's a Hakuryu sake, so this easy-drinking dryness is also good! The aroma is the most mellow in the lineup, just like the smell of earth after rain. I like this brand the best!
This is the sake where you can really imagine the scenery of flowing water Sake that makes you realize that sake with good water tastes like this. It is not because there is a famous sake brewery nearby that it tastes so good, but because there must be a special attention to detail unique to this brewery, and it is too wonderful that they can make such a difference in taste depending on the ingredients! Thanks for making it. There is not much aroma. It is sweet and really fresh. If you are looking for a sake that is easy to drink, I recommend it. I would like to support this sake brewery.
This is... a wonderful sake, making the most of the rice flavor. Even though they are probably obsessed with rice, I don't think there are many sake that are so rich in rice that you can imagine the scenery of rice fields. Very rice wonderful rice. I really think this is a sake I would recommend to rice lovers. The aroma is slightly sweet and the taste is really rice
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Fukui Prefecture Eiheiji Hakuryu Junmai Dry Namaisouju Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol 15%. Although it is labeled as slightly dry, it has a firm sweetness and umami from the rice, and is very drinkable. There is a slight acidity in the aftertaste, but it is unique and good.
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Junmai Ginjo Natsu-Ki-Riri It has a slightly grape-like sweet and refreshing aroma, a light mouthfeel with a juicy and clean mineral taste, and a crisp and clean finish with a light and smart aftertaste. This summer sake has a cool looking dragon scaly label with a summery and summery character on it. With a course meal at Soba Aji Oar
Hakuryu永平寺白龍 純米吟醸辛口 うすにごり純米吟醸にごり酒
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Refreshing, clean, dry and fruity 🌸🍶✨. We enjoy it very much.

Brands from Yoshida Shuzo


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