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Midorikawa Flavor Chart

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2024-08 Souvenirs from a trip When I was looking for local products on my trip to Niigata, I was told that there was a bottle of raw sake available. I was told that it was very rare to find it outside of Niigata. On the first day, it was refreshing yet exquisitely balanced, which was good. However, by the third day, the aroma was like water.............................recommended to drink it quickly. First day: ★★★★ 3rd day ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Day 7 ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Overall 3.1
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Easy to drink sake! Dry and refreshing, with little feeling of being stuck on the tongue or throat. I enjoy it with sashimi, pickles, and fried octopus and squid. Good.
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First Green River 🟢. The taste of rice on the palate with a clean aftertaste. Yes, this is a very light and refreshing sake 🍶. I paired it with cream cheese today to neutralize the richness and increase the sweetness.
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At first, the palate is fruity and sweet. After a few sips, the flavors seem to disappear for a moment, but then the umami flavor emerges from the depths. It quickly disappears without a moment to linger in the aftertaste. It has a light summery flavor.
Midorikawa純米 生純米生酒
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yu yu
[Midorikawa, raw] A very easy-drinking sake with a light, yet umami taste, It is very easy to drink. Please enjoy the elegant aroma that accompanies the deep flavor. It can be served chilled or slightly lukewarm, It also tastes exquisite slightly lukewarm when heated. The characteristics of Midorikawa are brought to the forefront. A light and crisp junmai sake that brings the characteristics of Midorikawa to the forefront. It will change your image of Junmai sake. It is good cold or warmed up. It can be served cold or warmed, and matches any cuisine, Japanese, Western, or Chinese. It can be served with any food, Japanese, Western or Chinese. Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15%. Label Excerpt There is no website, From the introduction by the Niigata Sake Brewers Association💡. Sold only at contract sake stores, It is not sold at sake breweries. It is not sold at sake breweries. You were lucky to find it🍀. I bought it at Mori-no-Market, Sendai Outside Market🍀. In a refrigerated case with a fresh label✨ Polished glass bottle ✨ It stood out from the crowd. As the description says, it's refreshing and easy to drink. It was easy to drink and went down smoothly.
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The second Bon vacation is in Midorikawa✨ The glass smells good, slightly like fresh 🍈 covered with soil 😆. The taste also has a fruity 🍈 flavor and the full sweetness of the rice, while also being able to enjoy the lightness that is typical of Niigata sake, which is good again! Maybe it's just my imagination, but every year the aftertaste seems to get cleaner and more fruity? It may be my imagination, but it seems like the aftertaste gets cleaner and more fruity every year ✨. I wanted to drink the May draft as well...!

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