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Shoryuhoraiきもと純吟 山田錦60 ひやおろし 辛口師匠、勘弁して下さいよ。純米吟醸生酛ひやおろし
alt 1alt 2
尾崎商店 中央店
I have been impressed by Shoryu Hourai's fresh Omachi before, and I have not had it since. It is a hiyaoroshi-goshi, so I assume it is once-hiked, but it has a robust, crisp dryness that would be subtly convincing if it were twice-hiked. What is interesting, however, is that it is very much a "sake yeast" style! It has a strong acidity and a little, but not too much, dairy-like flavor. And when it is freshly opened, the astringency gives it a heavy body in a good sense. So it can be used like a wine, and it goes well with cheese! I paired it with camembert and it was great...! It was also served at room temperature at the restaurant, which is understandable! You can taste the freshness of the sake at room temperature, rather than drinking it cold and sharp. And if you warm it up lightly, it is unbelievably delicious! It is a flavor bomb and you can drink it with meals all the time. I drank it in bottle #4, but it is also suitable for drinking in a bottle for a long period of time, so I may do so from next year onward.