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Daishinshu槽場詰め 純米大吟醸 初しぼり無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ槽しぼり
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When I looked at today's sake menu, I really wanted to have this last one! There seemed to be no rice or noodles on the entrée menu, so I asked for an extra serving of tuna sakataki! It's been a while since I've had Daishinshu! The label on the vat-filling Junmai Daiginjo Hatsushibori-Non-filtered Nama-genshu seems to have been newly changed this year! It's a new sake with a lot of oriki in it! Fresh and juicy! They filled it with a lot of sake! First time to drink outside in the new year! Let's do it again this year! Tomorrow is our first visit to Fukurokuju! It seems to be crowded as usual, and the first day of the new year is the 11th! Last year, they started on the 11th as well! Knowledge Alcohol 16 Rice used: Hitogochiki contract-grown rice from Matsumotodaira, Shinshu Polishing ratio 49
Kikuizumi吟冠 吟醸酒吟醸
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It was cold outside, so we decided to warm up the sake! Kikusen, a brand of the same brewery that produces Tazake! They say it's al-soke (alcohol-added)! That's fine. Please make it a little warmer. It came out in a glass of chirori. The color is fresh. Tastes like warmed filtered apple juice The acidity is light. It goes well with the hot stewed motsu. The owner of the restaurant and the proprietress are not very talkative people. It's been a while since I've tasted sake without talking. By the way, I had this sake cold two years ago at Aomori Norakuro! It's a good thing that I met this rare sake here in Sapporo! extensive knowledge Ingredients : Aomori sake brewing rice "Hanabukiyuki Rice polishing ratio : 55 Alcohol content : 16
DenshuNEW YEAR ボトル 2024 純米吟醸 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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NEW YEAR Bottle 2024 Junmai Ginjo Namaishu This is my first time. I've had many kinds of sake in the past. It was snowing quite a bit, so we decided to stay close. I remember that I could drink Tasake when I went here. No customers ahead of us. We were offered a seat in the middle of the counter. The first drink we ordered was a NEW YEAR bottle of 2024! The proprietress told us that this year's sake was very tasty! She was right! Delicious 😋! Light apple flavor 🍎! I asked for a bit of entrée! I want to warm myself up on a night like this: ⭐️❄️ extensive knowledge Ingredient rice: Hanamoi Alcohol 16%. Polishing ratio 50%.