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Daishinshu槽場詰め 純米大吟醸 初しぼり無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ槽しぼり
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When I looked at today's sake menu, I really wanted to have this last one! There seemed to be no rice or noodles on the entrée menu, so I asked for an extra serving of tuna sakataki! It's been a while since I've had Daishinshu! The label on the vat-filling Junmai Daiginjo Hatsushibori-Non-filtered Nama-genshu seems to have been newly changed this year! It's a new sake with a lot of oriki in it! Fresh and juicy! They filled it with a lot of sake! First time to drink outside in the new year! Let's do it again this year! Tomorrow is our first visit to Fukurokuju! It seems to be crowded as usual, and the first day of the new year is the 11th! Last year, they started on the 11th as well! Knowledge Alcohol 16 Rice used: Hitogochiki contract-grown rice from Matsumotodaira, Shinshu Polishing ratio 49