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Kinokuniya Bunzaemon大吟醸 鑑評会出品酒大吟醸
Kinokuniya Bunzaemon Check-in 1Kinokuniya Bunzaemon Check-in 2
Kinokuniya Bunzaemon Check-in 3Kinokuniya Bunzaemon Check-in 4
The 7th Sake Tasting Report (7) (Last) Finally, the last report! The last brewery (⑦) is Nakano BC (Wakayama Prefecture). Mr. Furukawa, the only veteran at this event, came from Nakano BC, which brews Chokyu. Unfortunately, only one sake was available. It was Kinokuniya Bunzaemon Daiginjo for the sake competition. The note said, "It has a nice fruity aroma of red apples. It has a mellow mouthfeel with a clean watery texture. It has an honest sweetness, pleasant acidity, and fruity hints. It has a beautiful rice flavor and a pleasant, tangy stimulation". This is a pattern that I had quite early in the bottle and did not have time to come back. It was an elegant and beautiful sake with a fruity flavor, just like the sake on display. We also tasted a sake from the Takagi Sake Brewery (from Kochi Prefecture), which brews Toyonoume, but since I don't have any photos of it, I have to give up reporting on it. Toyonoubai Junmai Ginjyo Nama Shuzake Itoakashi, made with CEL24, was light and gorgeous, with a fruity sweet flavor and acidity, with a bitter dryness that I quite liked. It was a very fulfilling and enjoyable event! Looking forward to next year😊. And after reporting it myself, I realized once again how great bouken and Nemuchi are 🫠.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. Thanks for the report 🙇. I sometimes get drunk and my impressions of various drinks are mixed up 😅. My question is, how much was one glass of sake tasting?
Good evening, bouken😄. Thank you 😊 In small plastic cups, every brewery pours a generous amount if you don't say anything, so I think it's usually about 30 ml per cup. I used the dispensers I tested this time, as appropriate.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Thanks for your report 🙏. Actually, I wanted to stop by Nakano BC in Kainan City on this Wakayama brewery tour, but the brewery was closed on Monday, so I had to give up 🤣. It's a pity 😅 because I had the impression that it was quite delicious.
Thanks for the report, Aladdin 😊. It was very informative as many of the breweries I had not tasted before 🙏 It was a sake tasting event and the amount of sake poured was generous 😳 You did a great job of bringing the dispensers👍.
Good evening, Yasbay 😃. I hope I have met your expectations 🥹I found a lot of things to review so that I can report a little smarter 😄. Is Nakano BC fun when you harvest rice again ☺️
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃. I heard that the organizer buys all the alcohol at this party, and maybe that's why they pour so much into the cups 😊. I used a Starbucks tumbler as a dispensing vessel and I think it worked well because it was less noticeable: ☺️
Gizaemon初搾り 純米吟醸生酒純米吟醸生酒
Gizaemon Check-in 1
Gizaemon Check-in 2Gizaemon Check-in 3
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report 6. Finally, the last report (6) was from Wakabisu Sake Brewery (Mie Prefecture)! Mr. Ishizaki from Wakabisu Shuzo was there. President Kuniko was also there at the beginning of the meeting. I was able to taste only one sake from Wakabisu Shuzo. It was "Hatsu Shibori Junmai Ginjyo Nama Shu Gizaemon". The note said, "Light and refreshing. It has a nice flavor. There is a slight sourness. The first pressing was released in November 2023, and the sake brewery served it at the event. The "Wakaevista~" was overwhelmingly popular at the event. It was impressive that they also brought a large amount of Baby Star Ramen and distributed it with the sake. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to make a suggestion to Wakabisu Sake Brewery anyway, which was previously released as a PB by Mochizuki Sake Brewery. "Ninja no Sato Iga Ninja TAROEMON." that is The "cloudy×taroemon Wakabisu cloudy Junmai Ginjyo Namaishiki 60% Mie Yamadanishiki" should be released nationwide. should be released nationwide. I think it would be a big breakthrough if the label was made fashionable (not just for the inner circle). It was so delicious that I still remember it.
Good evening, Aladdin 🦉. Was it the baby star drink here? The baby star has a strong impact on me😅. I'd love to try it 😻
Good evening, Pon 😃. Is that a word with wakaevis? Is it a pun? It seems so 😁. By the way, I had a drink at chuin-san before and Kawada-san totally agreed with me. We even talked about it again with Kawada-san at this venue 😅.
Harushika春鹿 無圧搾り 純米生原酒(白)純米原酒生酒
Harushika Check-in 1Harushika Check-in 2
Harushika Check-in 3Harushika Check-in 4
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (5)-3. The third sake from Imanishi Seibei Shoten. Harushika Mu-pressure-pressed Junmai Nama-zake (white). It is a junmai sake from Harushika. It is the leftmost sake in the first picture. I had never heard of the classification of Uraharushika: white is junmai, black is junmai ginjo, and purple is junmai daiginjo. The note said, "It has an image of being between jun-daigin and jun-gin. It has a fruity aroma, but it also has a sake-like aroma. You can taste the umami sweetness of the rice. When you roll it around, the light stimulation of acidity is pleasant. All Uraharushika is delicious. I have already written the conclusion, but all of the Ura-Harushika sakes were delicious. I regretted that I should have tasted the other sakes of Harushika this time, since many of them were schwarish sakes that I liked and seemed to be very popular at the venue. I must learn the art of flash sake tasting.
Harushika無圧搾り 純米吟醸生原酒(黒)純米吟醸原酒生酒
Harushika Check-in 1
Harushika Check-in 2Harushika Check-in 3
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (5)-2. The second sake from Imanishi Seibei Shoten. This is "Harushika Mukoshi Mushiri Junmai Ginjyo Nama Genjyo (Black)". It is a junmai ginjo from the Ura-Harushika line. Sorry I don't have pictures of the individual sakes, but this is the one in the middle of the first picture. The note says, "The aroma is more subdued than jun Daigin, with a hint of rice aroma. Smooth on the palate. Sweetness and umami with a hint of sourness. It has a light piquancy and is refreshing. The light acidity has a good sharpness. Jun Daigin" refers to the previous Ura-Harushika Junmai Daiginjo. It was also quite tasty.
Harushika無圧搾り 純米大吟醸生原酒(紫)純米大吟醸原酒生酒
Harushika Check-in 1
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report 5-1. I'm getting impatient because the event report is getting too long by now😅. There are 5 more breweries to go, so I will skip a bit 🏃. The fifth brewery in the report is Imanishi Seibei Shoten. This is a major sake brewery in Nara Prefecture that brews Harushika and Super Dry Sake 🦌. Of course, everyone's idol, Mr. Kusano was there as well. I tasted three sake from Imanishi Seibei Shoten. The first sake was Harushika Mutenkiri Junmai Daiginjyo Nama (Purple). This is the sake that Mr. Kusano is holding in the photo. This photo was provided by Yasubeyesan 📷Thank you! The note says: "Fruity. It starts with a subtle sweet umami, and when it is aerated, you can enjoy the fruity sweetness and thick umami with a fruity overtone. Super tasty". I drank Harushika quite early in the bottle, so my notes are very careful😅. This was very tasty. The fruity aroma and taste are my favorite. I want to drink it at home.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Thank you for your kind report 🙏. I could only report on Harushika and Urasato because I was in a good mood after getting much done early 🤣. This sake from Harushika was delicious!
Good morning, Aladdin 🐥. I've been wanting to drink Uraharu Deer, but haven't yet 😢I'd like to try Aladdin's "super tasty" 😻! As expected of Mr. Kusano, your eyes and pose are perfect 😆 I wish I could meet you 💕.
Hi Yasbay 😃 Thank you very much for the photos! Thank you very much 😄 You and Kaorin certainly looked very drunk 😁. All the breweries were pouring generously and generously, so you must be drunk 🍶.
Hi Pon 😃 I'd like to buy back spring deer, it's fruity and very tasty, but I don't see it very often 😅. The photo is by Yasbaye 💪, who captured the idiosyncrasies of Ms. Kusano 📷.
白木久ハルヒ 華は咲く 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
白木久 Check-in 1白木久 Check-in 2
白木久 Check-in 3白木久 Check-in 4
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report 4-4. I was so engrossed in sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the fourth and last sake from Shirasugi Shuzo. The fourth and last sake from Shirasugi Shuzo is "Haruhi Hana ha Saku" (Haruhi: Flowers are in bloom). Personally, this was the biggest shock to me this time. The note is "sulfide smell" 😅. It's that sulfur smell of a hot spring resort. I'm really sorry, but it was mentioned officially by the brewery... Satoru Shirasugi also mentioned the sulfide smell in his tasting. As a layman, I appreciate the fact that you can tell us about such things without hiding them. I almost never experience this kind of sulfide smell that can appear in the brewing process, and it is quite vivid, so it was a very good experience for me personally. In case you are wondering, there seems to be a muscat smell (4MMP) lurking on the other side of the sulfide smell, which is due to the fact that it was brewed in Shunyo. To my honor, I will tell you that over time and shaking the bottle to release the gas, the sulfide smell fades and becomes very nice (since it was a freshly opened bottle of sake at the event)! So that was my report on Shirasugi Shuzo's sake. Shirasugi Shuzo was originally one of my favorite breweries. I would like to visit the brewery in Kyotango next time.
Good evening, Aladdin. I had a glass of Haruhi outside, but it was more of a white wine than a sulfuric odor! So I realized that it was a drink that had been open for a while 😅 I would have liked to smell the sulfide smell of a freshly opened bottle. I might have wanted to smell the sulfide smell when it was freshly opened😅.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃. I had heard that there can be a sulfuric smell in the early stages of unrefining, but this was the first time I smelled a sulfuric aroma that I could recognize 😅. It's essentially a distinct off-flavor, but I'd like to experience it at least once.
白木久金シャリ 純米大吟醸純米大吟醸生詰酒
白木久 Check-in 1
白木久 Check-in 2白木久 Check-in 3
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report 4-3. I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. The third sake from Shirasugi Shuzo is here. The third sake from the Shirasugi Brewery was "Kinshari Junmai Daiginjo. The note says, "Tart and sweet, then dry. Then it starts to dry out. This Junmai Daiginjo is made by lavishly polishing Sasanishiki to 50%. The yeast is 1801 yeast. There is also "Ginshari" brewed with 60% polished rice and Kyokai No. 10 yeast. This year, "SHARI DIAMOND Junmai Daiginjo" was also released with a higher milling ratio of 40% than Ginshari and became very popular. SHARI DIAMOND was brought to this event and I was planning to drink it later, but it was out of stock early. It is Kinshari, and although I have had it at events before, this was the first time I had had it properly smart. As a result, the notes are very short, but it tasted terrific! I think it might be my favorite sake among those I tasted at the Shirasugi Brewery this time. I think it would be a good sake to drink as a mealtime drink, or even as a substitute for white rice. I think it goes well with any dish, Japanese, Western, or Chinese, as long as it goes well with white rice.
白木久BLACK LABEL 純米無濾過生原酒 vibrant純米原酒生酒無濾過
白木久 Check-in 1
白木久 Check-in 2白木久 Check-in 3
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (4)-2. I was so engrossed in sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. The second sake from Shirasugi Shuzo was this one. BLACK LABEL Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake Vibrant. The note says, "Aroma with a hint of sourness. Sour-sweetness with a pillar of umami". BLACK LABEL, which uses black malted rice, is sweet BRILLIANT and dry VIBLANT. For the sake of contrast, I tried the vibrant this time. Many of Shirasugi Brewery's sakes are based on sweet and sour tastes, and many of them can be used as a food sake without deviating from the basic line. Vibrant is also in that line. On the other hand, there are also some that are more like dessert drinks, such as Miller Miller. I like that type a lot.
白木久NUE〜鵺〜 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
白木久 Check-in 1白木久 Check-in 2
白木久 Check-in 3白木久 Check-in 4
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (4)-1. The fourth brewery was Shirasugi Shuzo. The fourth brewery was Shirasugi Shuzo, which brews all of its sake with rice. Of course, Mr. Yuki Tadatsu, the brewer, was there. Mr. Tadatsu is an Instagrammer, TikToker, and Shirasugi Brewery celebrity. Mr. Tadatsu has an unusual background, having worked for the National Taxation Bureau as a tax collector before moving to a sake brewery as a tax payer and becoming a brewer. Tadatsu's publicity is varied, from real-life tastings and honest comments on sake released by the brewery's master brewer, Shirasugi Satoru, to time-lapse shows of labeling and other operations. We tasted four sakes from the Shirasugi Sake Brewery. The first sake was "NUE," an unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. The note said, "A sense of gas. The attack of the acidity was very sour, followed by a thick sweetness. Refreshing, with an indescribable complexity on the back palate. The chime is an imaginary monster with the face of a monkey, body of a raccoon dog, limbs of a tiger, and tail of a snake. The sake brewed with four types of Kyoto yeast and four types of koji was named NUE. I had a taste of it at a restaurant before, and it was indescribably complex because of the use of yellow, black, white, and mirin koji! I drank it again because I like it a lot.
Minami特別純米 別誂 生酒特別純米生酒
Minami Check-in 1Minami Check-in 2
Minami Check-in 3Minami Check-in 4
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (3)-4 I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the fourth and last sake from Minami Sake Brewery. The fourth and final sake from Minami Shuzo Brewery is the "Minami Special Junmai Betsuatsurai Namaeshu. This is a comparison with the third sake, the normal unbranded special junmai. The note reads, "CEL19 used. Sake rice is Matsuyama Mitsui. The aroma is capechi vinegar iso! Moderately faint fruity. From sweet umami to cute acidity. Basically mild and doesn't interfere with food." The aroma is very nice, and the taste is very pleasant. The different yeast gives a very different impression. Compared to the previous special junmai Mujirushi, this one is gentle and gorgeous. It is a type of sake that can be enjoyed on its own. It is a matter of taste, and I liked this one better as a stand-alone sake, but there may be occasions when the normal special junmai would be a better match depending on the food it is served with. I thought that Minami Sake Brewery's sake is basically a food sake. I have a problem with taste, so it is difficult for me to get into food sake, but I think there are many different types of sake that are good for getting drunk, so I think I will have to learn more about them eventually. I don't really care, but many sake breweries in Kochi Prefecture are "sake breweries.
Hi Aladdin, I'm so glad to hear from you 😃. I'm curious about the south, but I've never had it 🤗Yeah, but the taste notes📝 are well written and awesome ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. South was a good opportunity for me as I've seen a lot of this before but never drank it properly. Only the drinks I got when I slowed down once I was back at the table, my notes are long 😅.
Minami特別純米 無濾過生酒特別純米生酒無濾過
Minami Check-in 1Minami Check-in 2
Minami Check-in 3Minami Check-in 4
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (3)-3 I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. The third sake from Minami Sake Brewery. I asked Mr. Minami what to drink next after having the jun-daigin, and he recommended a special junmai. So here we are, I started with the Minami Special Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake. The note reads, "The full-bodied flavor of the rice, plus the sweetness of the rice, with a good acidity. The sweetness of the rice and the moderate acidity give it a sharp finish. It is a perfect mid-meal sake to be drunk slowly. There are two special junmai sake with different yeasts, and this one is the unbranded, normal, classic type. This one is the normal, classic type, while the next one, "Batsurae," is a bit more modern and gorgeous. The sake rice is Matsuyama-Mitsui, which is also a common rice used for rice. It is said to be suited for a light sake quality. The sake is unfiltered and fresh, but the robust rice flavor of the special junmai rice is impressive.
Minami純米大吟醸 安結純米大吟醸
Minami Check-in 1
Minami Check-in 2Minami Check-in 3
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (3)-2 I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the second sake from Minami Sake Brewery. The second sake from Minami Sake Brewery was Junmai Daiginjo Ayu. The note is "Tachi Haruka. The aroma is mild and gentle. It has a refreshing watery dryness, with a sharp acidity after the mid-palate, and it is dry, so it is perfect during a meal." The dryness makes it perfect for eating. Tachi-Haruka is a large grain rice with sake brewing characteristics. This Junmai Daiginjo-shu is brewed with up to 40% polished Tachi Haruka rice produced locally in Yasuda-machi. It is once-fired, but I forgot to ask whether it is a fresh-filled sake or a fresh-stored sake. Yasuda River is known for its ayu fish. This one is an ayu, but the label on the back also depicts an ayu fish. It seems to mean "people and sake united from Yasuda. It was a royal Junmai Daiginjo with a gentle, soft and crisp taste.
Minami純米吟醸生酒 出羽燦々純米吟醸生酒
Minami Check-in 1Minami Check-in 2
Minami Check-in 3Minami Check-in 4
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (3)-1 The third brewery in the report is Minami Sake Brewery. Minami Shuzo Brewery brews pure, soft, and powerful sake using water from the clear Yasuda River in Yasuda-cho, Aki-gun, Kochi Prefecture. The brewery's owner, Mr. Chihide Minami, was here. Among the participating breweries this time, Minami is relatively seen in high-end supermarkets and other places, and its distribution is more common along with that of Harushika. However, I personally did not have much information about Minami, and I only had a vague image of it as "a refreshingly dry food sake since it is from Kochi. I tasted four sakes from the Minami Sake Brewery. Mr. Minami had a soft demeanor and gave us many interesting explanations. The first sake was Minami Junmai Ginjo Nama Shu Dewa Sanzu. The note said, "Sake-like aroma. It has a strong acidity and flavor. Umami in a dry taste. At first I thought, "Dewa Sanzan in Kochi Prefecture? and it was the first sake I tasted in Minami. The reason why Minami was brewed from Yamagata rice is, after all, due to the shortage of sake rice caused by last season's high temperature disorder of rice. The brewery had a connection with the farmers of Dewa Sanzu. He said, "I think we are the only one in Shikoku that produces Dewa Tsannin. He said. Looking back, I think Dewa Tsannin was brewed in a very southern style.
Akitora蔵開限定詰 雄町 純米大吟醸生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒
Akitora Check-in 1
Akitora Check-in 2Akitora Check-in 3
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (2)-2 I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the second sake from Arimitsu Sake Brewery. The second sake from Arimitsu Sake Brewery is "Akitora Kurakai Limited Tsume Omachi Junmai Daiginjyo Nama-nama Sake". The note says, "Clear aroma with acidity. It is said to be the only unfiltered raw sake at Aki Tora. It is dry with refreshing acidity and beautiful flavor. The tingling sensation of the raw sake is also good. I had to make a difficult choice between the two, but when I read "limited edition," I tend to go for the first one. However, I tasted the limited edition sake from the brewery opening to see if I could get an idea of the trend of Aki Tora's sake. I wanted to drink this sake with sashimi and other dishes. Among the participating breweries, Aki Tora, Minami, and Toyonou Ume were all from Kochi, and all of them were interesting because they were all food-friendly sakes, and each had its own differences. I don't usually choose this type of sake, so this was a valuable opportunity for me. Next time, I would like to compare the representative sake of each brewery.
Hi Aladdin 😀 This young lady here was also a very pretty young lady with a beautiful smile 😇. I didn't know which sake represented the brewery due to my lack of study, so I got all the recommendations from the brewery staff except for Urasato-san 😀.
Hi Yasbay 😃 You were the only red one at this event, so you stood out 😄. I didn't know which sake was the best representative of the event, so I chose by asking and by the atmosphere!
Akitora素 発泡生酒生酒発泡
Akitora Check-in 1Akitora Check-in 2
Akitora Check-in 3Akitora Check-in 4
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (2)-1 Report #2 is from Arimitsu Sake Brewery in Kochi Prefecture. Ms. Yuzuru Arimitsu, the daughter of the brewer, came from Arimitsu Shuzojo, which brews Akitora. Anyway, she had a wonderful smile 😄. As we talked with her, we could clearly see that she loves her brewery and the sake brewed there. In my mind, Akitora is now the "sake with a smile" along with Nagasaki's Fukkai (formerly Fukuda) 🍶. I was only able to taste two sakes from the Arimitsu Sake Brewery. I ran out of time to return later. I need to hone my skills to be able to taste various kinds of sake in a shorter time. This was the first of only two sakes. It was "So Happo Nama Sake. The note says, "Second fermentation in the bottle. It has a sweet, umami, and bitter taste with a touch of sourness that finishes with an acidity. It is light and easy to drink with a hint of nigari. It looks like beer, but it is really sake. I like most of the nigori sake that has a bit of a "shuwashi" taste, and this one was also easy to drink and delicious! I say "looks like beer" because it is a bottle that could be drunk in place of craft beer, not because of the appearance of the sake, but it will be easy to use for camping and BBQs from now on.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. You have a really nice smile ❣️ I'm sure you had a great time talking to Aladdin 😊. I'm sure you must have enjoyed talking with Aladdin 😊 If he explained it to me in detail with this smile, I'd buy it because it's 50% more delicious 🤣.
Hi Pon 😃 Well, Arimitsuyu-san was explaining and pouring the sake with a great smile to everyone 😊. Unfortunately, there was no product sales at this event 😅Well, except for the products sold out at the brewery, you can buy them at Tomekawa Sake Shop😄.
KiritsukubaBlue Rose うすにごり生酒生酒にごり酒
Kiritsukuba Check-in 1
Kiritsukuba Check-in 2Kiritsukuba Check-in 3
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-6 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. The 6th sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). It is "Kiri-Tsukuba Blue Rose Mild Nigori Nama Sake". This sake is a test brew using a new yeast collected from roses in Ibaraki Prefecture. I forgot to drink Sakura Sho, the seventh sake from Urasato Sake Brewery, so this is the last report on Urasato Sake Brewery. And no notes! If you are interested in the taste, etc., please check back in the past 🙇. If I recall, it is a light, dry nigori with a hint of gas. I thought it was very similar to Kiri-Tsukuba's first pressing light nigori. Moreover, it has a refreshing aroma of apples and pears, and the refreshing taste makes it a terrifyingly magical sake that goes down smoothly. Incidentally, when I asked about it, brewers' alcohol was added in a relatively large amount! Even so, the fact that there is no sense of discomfort from the addition of alcohol is one of the quintessential characteristics of this sake. So far, it was a great event for us to meet our favorite toji and talk with him over a glass of sake brewed by him! Continue to other breweries: 🎞️
Good morning again Aladdin 🌞. Just talking to the toji and drinking with him makes it taste so much better😊. I've never taken notes at a meeting like this before. I mean, it's not the time to take notes 🤣.
Hi Aladdin 😀 The one that impressed me the most at this sake tasting was this Blue Rose 😀. It was very tasty, but I didn't feel any aluzoe until the end and I thought it was a junmai type sake 🤣.
Hello again here, Matsuchiyo 😃. I feel like it's right to enjoy the place to the fullest without worrying about notes or anything! I was planning to report this time so I took quite a few notes 📝. I'm trying to find a way to keep my memory and enjoy it to the end 😅.
Hi Yasbay 😃 I hope you like the Blue Rose, ☺️ They didn't even let the brewing alcohol sit and blend in, so I asked them how it could be so natural and they pumped my arm 💪🤣.
Kiritsukuba純米大吟醸 受賞記念酒純米大吟醸
Kiritsukuba Check-in 1Kiritsukuba Check-in 2
Kiritsukuba Check-in 3Kiritsukuba Check-in 4
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-5 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. The fifth sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). The fifth sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture), "Kirizukuba Junmai Daiginjyo Award-winning Commemorative Sake". This is a really nice one from Kiri-Tsukuba, which is consumed nearly 90% locally in Ibaraki Prefecture. The popup reads, "This is a Junmai Daiginjo that has won all the official sake competitions." 😳. My note was "Beautiful mouthfeel from the gentle aroma. Dry but soft and sweet. Just beautiful and fine quality. Gentle and clean dry taste that is typical of Kirizukuba". In fact, this was the first sake I drank at this event. I thought that if I didn't taste the sake from the sake competition, I wouldn't be able to taste the flavor and aroma of the many unusual sakes, and more importantly, the sake would be sold out and gone! As a child who likes modern, gassy, gorgeous, sweet and delicious sake, this is not a taste that will appeal to my taste buds, but I felt that it was a beautiful and beautiful sake made up of very fine and delicate balance. It was a good experience for my palate 🍶.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃. You've thought about the order in which you drink the sake 👍I know what you mean by ◯◯🏆 award-winning sake 🍶, it's not something I'd be into 😅.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. I'm ashamed of my shallow way of deciding the order in which to drink 😅. The sake is really time-consuming, precise, delicate, fine and elegant, but I haven't reached the stage where I can understand it 😅.
Urazato Check-in 1
Urazato Check-in 2Urazato Check-in 3
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-4 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. The fourth sake from URAZATO SAKE Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). URAZATO PROTOTYPE 4. This is the latest release and will be drunk in the future, but at this point it is a first for us 🤩. The note is "red grapey". I'm sure I'll be drinking it at home again in the future, so my comments are sketchy😅. This is a test brew brewed with a rare sake mother called sanki amazake moto. The Shiwa Brewery's Hiroki, which brews Shiwa is also a test brew. Sanki amazakemoto is simply put, it is a type of sake brewed with rice, water and koji malt, and then lactic acid bacteria and sake yeast are added. For an in-depth discussion of what this sour base sweet sake yeast is, please be sure to visit our website! Please check out the archives of Tomekawa's Instagram Live where Toji Chikara talks about this sake with passion 😄. You'll understand why they call him a sake brewing geek 😁. He talks about very advanced things in an easy-to-understand way like a teacher, but a little bit faster and more passionate like a nerd 😆.
Aladdin, good morning here too 🌞. I see that Hiroki is the same 🤔. I follow Chikara Touji's instagram and he explains how he makes his sake so it's very informative 😊.
Hello again, Matsuchiyo-san 😃. I know the word "Sour base and sweet sake yeast yeast" thanks to Hiroki-san. I think Chikara's explanation of this sake is so good that it could be reprinted in a textbook!
Urazato純米うすにごり 2ndロット純米にごり酒
Urazato Check-in 1
Urazato Check-in 2Urazato Check-in 3
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-3 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. This is the third sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). This is "Urasato Junmai Usunigori 2nd lot". The note is "Japanese pear juice". I believe it is Japanese pear, not pear. It has a soft mouthfeel, shrieking with gas, and a juicy sweet flavor like Japanese pear, with an unbearable bitterness in the aftertaste. I love Japanese pear-based sakes, so it is a dostrike for me. By the way, the reason it is deliberately labeled "2nd lot" is because the 1st lot and 2nd lot were made from the exact same ingredients (rice, water, koji, yeast). Isn't it amazing? The aroma and taste are totally different. They also told us a lot about what they changed 😊. The photo of Daichi Tomekawa-kun (the 3rd generation of Kishiwada's crazy salad hall) from the organizer's side and Kawada-san from chuin was given to me by Yasube 🤣.
Hi Aladdin, good evening 🦉. I haven't tasted Urasato yet, but I'm drawn to this one of Japanese pear juice😻and I'm amazed at Aladdin's memory of the taste 😳‼️ even if he did write it down, it's awesome👍✨. I'm going to enjoy watching the rest of the show 🙂 🙂.
Good evening, Pon😄. May you meet Urasato soon 🥹. By the way, my memory of the taste, I'm totally cheating because I've almost drank Urasato and Kirizukuba at home 😅. Future reports on other breweries are flaky scuzzy 😌.
Urazato純米酒 本生原酒 五百万石純米原酒生酒
Urazato Check-in 1
Urazato Check-in 2Urazato Check-in 3
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-2 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. The second sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). The second sake from Urasato Shuzo Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture) is "Urasato Junmai Sake Hon-nama Genpai Gohyakumangoku. Urasato's junmai sake. Along with the junmai ginjo in blue, this is another standard sake that serves as a business card for the Urasato brand. The only note is "as good as ever" 😅. I've had almost all of Urasato's sake, so the tasting was mainly for confirmation, but it is exceptional to drink it while listening to the brewer right in front of you 😊. The sake has a dark and robust flavor that is hard to believe it is Ihyakumangoku. I learned about the flavor potential of Gohyakumangoku, a rice suitable for sake brewing, through this sake. Well, I won't say anything bad about it, just try it anyway 🍶.
Good morning, Aladdin🌞. I like the sake that has a beautiful flavor with a lot of rice. I like beautiful sake with a good flavor from the rice like Gohyakumangoku, Hanafukiyuki, Hyogo Yume Nishiki, etc. that is melted well 😊.
Hello, Matsuchiyo 😃. I really think you are right, because unlike wine, sake has a lot of influence on the aroma and taste from yeast, brewing method, etc. other than the raw material (rice). This is also a sake that shows that 🍶.
