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白木久ハルヒ 華は咲く 無濾過生原酒原酒生酒無濾過
白木久 Check-in 1白木久 Check-in 2
白木久 Check-in 3白木久 Check-in 4
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report 4-4. I was so engrossed in sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the fourth and last sake from Shirasugi Shuzo. The fourth and last sake from Shirasugi Shuzo is "Haruhi Hana ha Saku" (Haruhi: Flowers are in bloom). Personally, this was the biggest shock to me this time. The note is "sulfide smell" 😅. It's that sulfur smell of a hot spring resort. I'm really sorry, but it was mentioned officially by the brewery... Satoru Shirasugi also mentioned the sulfide smell in his tasting. As a layman, I appreciate the fact that you can tell us about such things without hiding them. I almost never experience this kind of sulfide smell that can appear in the brewing process, and it is quite vivid, so it was a very good experience for me personally. In case you are wondering, there seems to be a muscat smell (4MMP) lurking on the other side of the sulfide smell, which is due to the fact that it was brewed in Shunyo. To my honor, I will tell you that over time and shaking the bottle to release the gas, the sulfide smell fades and becomes very nice (since it was a freshly opened bottle of sake at the event)! So that was my report on Shirasugi Shuzo's sake. Shirasugi Shuzo was originally one of my favorite breweries. I would like to visit the brewery in Kyotango next time.
Good evening, Aladdin. I had a glass of Haruhi outside, but it was more of a white wine than a sulfuric odor! So I realized that it was a drink that had been open for a while 😅 I would have liked to smell the sulfide smell of a freshly opened bottle. I might have wanted to smell the sulfide smell when it was freshly opened😅.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😃. I had heard that there can be a sulfuric smell in the early stages of unrefining, but this was the first time I smelled a sulfuric aroma that I could recognize 😅. It's essentially a distinct off-flavor, but I'd like to experience it at least once.