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Harushika無圧搾り 純米吟醸生原酒(黒)純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (5)-2. The second sake from Imanishi Seibei Shoten. This is "Harushika Mukoshi Mushiri Junmai Ginjyo Nama Genjyo (Black)". It is a junmai ginjo from the Ura-Harushika line. Sorry I don't have pictures of the individual sakes, but this is the one in the middle of the first picture. The note says, "The aroma is more subdued than jun Daigin, with a hint of rice aroma. Smooth on the palate. Sweetness and umami with a hint of sourness. It has a light piquancy and is refreshing. The light acidity has a good sharpness. Jun Daigin" refers to the previous Ura-Harushika Junmai Daiginjo. It was also quite tasty.