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Minami特別純米 別誂 生酒特別純米生酒
Minami Check-in 1Minami Check-in 2
Minami Check-in 3Minami Check-in 4
The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (3)-4 I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the fourth and last sake from Minami Sake Brewery. The fourth and final sake from Minami Shuzo Brewery is the "Minami Special Junmai Betsuatsurai Namaeshu. This is a comparison with the third sake, the normal unbranded special junmai. The note reads, "CEL19 used. Sake rice is Matsuyama Mitsui. The aroma is capechi vinegar iso! Moderately faint fruity. From sweet umami to cute acidity. Basically mild and doesn't interfere with food." The aroma is very nice, and the taste is very pleasant. The different yeast gives a very different impression. Compared to the previous special junmai Mujirushi, this one is gentle and gorgeous. It is a type of sake that can be enjoyed on its own. It is a matter of taste, and I liked this one better as a stand-alone sake, but there may be occasions when the normal special junmai would be a better match depending on the food it is served with. I thought that Minami Sake Brewery's sake is basically a food sake. I have a problem with taste, so it is difficult for me to get into food sake, but I think there are many different types of sake that are good for getting drunk, so I think I will have to learn more about them eventually. I don't really care, but many sake breweries in Kochi Prefecture are "sake breweries.
Hi Aladdin, I'm so glad to hear from you 😃. I'm curious about the south, but I've never had it 🤗Yeah, but the taste notes📝 are well written and awesome ‼️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. South was a good opportunity for me as I've seen a lot of this before but never drank it properly. Only the drinks I got when I slowed down once I was back at the table, my notes are long 😅.