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Urazato純米うすにごり 2ndロット純米にごり酒
Urazato Check-in 1
Urazato Check-in 2Urazato Check-in 3
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-3 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. This is the third sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). This is "Urasato Junmai Usunigori 2nd lot". The note is "Japanese pear juice". I believe it is Japanese pear, not pear. It has a soft mouthfeel, shrieking with gas, and a juicy sweet flavor like Japanese pear, with an unbearable bitterness in the aftertaste. I love Japanese pear-based sakes, so it is a dostrike for me. By the way, the reason it is deliberately labeled "2nd lot" is because the 1st lot and 2nd lot were made from the exact same ingredients (rice, water, koji, yeast). Isn't it amazing? The aroma and taste are totally different. They also told us a lot about what they changed 😊. The photo of Daichi Tomekawa-kun (the 3rd generation of Kishiwada's crazy salad hall) from the organizer's side and Kawada-san from chuin was given to me by Yasube 🤣.
Hi Aladdin, good evening 🦉. I haven't tasted Urasato yet, but I'm drawn to this one of Japanese pear juice😻and I'm amazed at Aladdin's memory of the taste 😳‼️ even if he did write it down, it's awesome👍✨. I'm going to enjoy watching the rest of the show 🙂 🙂.
Good evening, Pon😄. May you meet Urasato soon 🥹. By the way, my memory of the taste, I'm totally cheating because I've almost drank Urasato and Kirizukuba at home 😅. Future reports on other breweries are flaky scuzzy 😌.