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Harushika春鹿 無圧搾り 純米生原酒(白)純米原酒生酒
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Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (5)-3. The third sake from Imanishi Seibei Shoten. Harushika Mu-pressure-pressed Junmai Nama-zake (white). It is a junmai sake from Harushika. It is the leftmost sake in the first picture. I had never heard of the classification of Uraharushika: white is junmai, black is junmai ginjo, and purple is junmai daiginjo. The note said, "It has an image of being between jun-daigin and jun-gin. It has a fruity aroma, but it also has a sake-like aroma. You can taste the umami sweetness of the rice. When you roll it around, the light stimulation of acidity is pleasant. All Uraharushika is delicious. I have already written the conclusion, but all of the Ura-Harushika sakes were delicious. I regretted that I should have tasted the other sakes of Harushika this time, since many of them were schwarish sakes that I liked and seemed to be very popular at the venue. I must learn the art of flash sake tasting.