SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kiritsukuba純米大吟醸 受賞記念酒純米大吟醸
Kiritsukuba Check-in 1Kiritsukuba Check-in 2
Kiritsukuba Check-in 3Kiritsukuba Check-in 4
Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Party (1)-5 I enjoyed talking with the sake and brewery staff so much that I did not take proper pictures of the sake 🙇 Please forgive me for that. The fifth sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture). The fifth sake from Urasato Sake Brewery (Ibaraki Prefecture), "Kirizukuba Junmai Daiginjyo Award-winning Commemorative Sake". This is a really nice one from Kiri-Tsukuba, which is consumed nearly 90% locally in Ibaraki Prefecture. The popup reads, "This is a Junmai Daiginjo that has won all the official sake competitions." 😳. My note was "Beautiful mouthfeel from the gentle aroma. Dry but soft and sweet. Just beautiful and fine quality. Gentle and clean dry taste that is typical of Kirizukuba". In fact, this was the first sake I drank at this event. I thought that if I didn't taste the sake from the sake competition, I wouldn't be able to taste the flavor and aroma of the many unusual sakes, and more importantly, the sake would be sold out and gone! As a child who likes modern, gassy, gorgeous, sweet and delicious sake, this is not a taste that will appeal to my taste buds, but I felt that it was a beautiful and beautiful sake made up of very fine and delicate balance. It was a good experience for my palate 🍶.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃. You've thought about the order in which you drink the sake 👍I know what you mean by ◯◯🏆 award-winning sake 🍶, it's not something I'd be into 😅.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃. I'm ashamed of my shallow way of deciding the order in which to drink 😅. The sake is really time-consuming, precise, delicate, fine and elegant, but I haven't reached the stage where I can understand it 😅.