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Harushika無圧搾り 純米大吟醸生原酒(紫)純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report 5-1. I'm getting impatient because the event report is getting too long by now😅. There are 5 more breweries to go, so I will skip a bit 🏃. The fifth brewery in the report is Imanishi Seibei Shoten. This is a major sake brewery in Nara Prefecture that brews Harushika and Super Dry Sake 🦌. Of course, everyone's idol, Mr. Kusano was there as well. I tasted three sake from Imanishi Seibei Shoten. The first sake was Harushika Mutenkiri Junmai Daiginjyo Nama (Purple). This is the sake that Mr. Kusano is holding in the photo. This photo was provided by Yasubeyesan 📷Thank you! The note says: "Fruity. It starts with a subtle sweet umami, and when it is aerated, you can enjoy the fruity sweetness and thick umami with a fruity overtone. Super tasty". I drank Harushika quite early in the bottle, so my notes are very careful😅. This was very tasty. The fruity aroma and taste are my favorite. I want to drink it at home.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Thank you for your kind report 🙏. I could only report on Harushika and Urasato because I was in a good mood after getting much done early 🤣. This sake from Harushika was delicious!
Good morning, Aladdin 🐥. I've been wanting to drink Uraharu Deer, but haven't yet 😢I'd like to try Aladdin's "super tasty" 😻! As expected of Mr. Kusano, your eyes and pose are perfect 😆 I wish I could meet you 💕.
Hi Yasbay 😃 Thank you very much for the photos! Thank you very much 😄 You and Kaorin certainly looked very drunk 😁. All the breweries were pouring generously and generously, so you must be drunk 🍶.
Hi Pon 😃 I'd like to buy back spring deer, it's fruity and very tasty, but I don't see it very often 😅. The photo is by Yasbaye 💪, who captured the idiosyncrasies of Ms. Kusano 📷.