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Kokken垂れ口 生原酒
Kokken Check-in 1Kokken Check-in 2
Kokken Check-in 3Kokken Check-in 4
It is a mass of umami extract. It's like drinking a thick broth without adding soy sauce or salt. It's tasty, but it's not really a sake... It has the pungent taste of alcohol, but it's very mild, so I wonder what would go well with it? Miso? Maybe firefly squid with spicy vinegared miso? I don't dislike it, but I have a hard time finding a good use for it.
#I couldn't take a picture Unusually for a Niigata sake, it has a strong acidity and plenty of umami. Yet, as the subtitle suggests, it is tangy and spicy from start to finish, a flavor I have never tasted before. The spiciness is similar to a slight effervescence, but it's spicy instead of fizzy. It can be served with sashimi, by itself, or with shochu soda. I will drink it again when I see it.
Raifuku寶船 特別純米酒
Raifuku Check-in 1Raifuku Check-in 2
So, let's compare them and learn the difference. While Kaiun is mildly umami, Raifuku is a bit dry and has a bit of acidity, giving a sharper impression than Kaiun. It is basically my favorite umami-guchi type, but it is a punchy type among them. This one is also delicious. Now, will I be able to distinguish it properly next time?
Kaiun雄山錦 純米酒
Kaiun Check-in 1Kaiun Check-in 2
It's delicious. It is mild but has a strong umami flavor, and is good on its own or with any dish. It's a bit strong for a Shizuoka sake, and it's a bit like Yamaguchi's "honor student". I don't really care, but I always can't tell which is which with Kaiun and Raifuku 😂.
Kid Check-in 1Kid Check-in 2
Kido is safe and proven. I prefer regular sake to new sake, but after it came out I realized it was new sake... But maybe it was because it was a soko sake, but it wasn't that picky new kind of new sake, it was the usual Kido of peace of mind.
Junsei無濾過山田錦 生酛特別純米
Junsei Check-in 1Junsei Check-in 2
I had an image of Junqing as a sake with a strong umami flavor, but after drinking it for the first time in a long time, I found it to be a very well-balanced sake. Not too sweet, not too spicy, not too umami, not too acidic, it is a versatile sake. Not too sweet, not too spicy, not too tasty, not too acidic, it is a versatile sake.
Yamashiroyamatured 円熟
Yamashiroya Check-in 1Yamashiroya Check-in 2
It has a unique flavor that is mature, but just right, and not sweet. The aftertaste is spicy and stays with you. The combination of a sense of maturity and dryness is a strange taste. The combination of matured and dry taste is very strange. Rather than drinking it by itself, it is better to drink it with simmered or grilled dishes, as they complement each other and are delicious. Niigata is also very deep.
