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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ

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Ippakusuisei純米吟醸 美郷錦
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
Hamamatsu drinking party, 7th drink, served by a manager I know 😁. Here's a quick comment! Thank you very much! Last order! Smell fruity💕 Color is beautiful💕 Dry on the palate? This was the first sake that I could taste bitterness💕This is delicious 👍 I knew if I drank it with plum crystal, it would be endless💕. I'm hooked on plum crystal😄👍👍 🌈Final ranking 🌈 No.1Ni-Usagi Aichi Prefecture No.2 Koei Kiku Saga Prefecture No.3 Nabeshima, Saga Prefecture No.4Senkou Tochigi Pref. No.5 Garden Uguisu Fukuoka Prefecture Tamitsu No.6 Mie Prefecture No.7 ICHIHAKUSUISEI Akita Pref. It was hard to choose the best, but here is what we came up with👍It was a sake drinking party that made me like sake again👍Thanks to my acquaintances again👍 I bought a fruit sandwich for my wife as a souvenir 💕 It was also a hit! Thank you very much Wallacado Hamamatsu💕👍
Hi Makojii, ☀️ You drank a lot 😳and it's awesome that you compared the drinks properly! Two Rabbits is delicious 😊I will refer to it 🙏.
Thank you for your comment 😄Niusagi was the number 1 sake I wanted to drink this year, so my wish came true 💕I was aiming for it since I am the new year's man 👍It was better than I imagined 😃👍.
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
Hamamatsu drinking party, the sixth drink. Here's a quick comment! This is another one I've never had before 😁. I love the fruity aroma 💕💕💕💕 The color is beautiful💕💕 The mouthfeel is my favorite 💕💕💕💕 I'm drunk but the plum crystals make it even better💕💕💕 🌈 drinking comparison ranking 🌈 Ni Usagi 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Koei Kiku 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Nabeshima 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Senkori 🌸🌸🌸🌸 Uguisu in the garden 🌸🌸🌸 Tamitsu 🌸🌸 My cup is bigger for some reason😅
Good evening, Makoji 😃. Drinking out in the local area! That's good 😊. A refreshing Sentori even if it's your 6th glass or something. Delicious Sentori! I can have a big glass 🤗.
Thank you for your comment 👍I love to drink but I'm weak so there were still some I wanted to try but gave up 😭I had a lot of fun drinking outside 😃👍.
Nabeshima純米吟醸 生酒 五百万石
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
浜松呑み会 五杯目です 早速コメです 結構回って来てます これまた未呑みで選びました 知人は全て私の選ぶお酒を優先してくれる優しいです💕 香りフルーティー💕💕💕 色味は綺麗💕💕 呑み口は酸味あり、甘味あり、切れもあり酔っ払って来ておりますが旨いです💕💕 バランスが良いです🙆 梅水晶合いますする💕💕💕💕 🌈呑み比べランキング🌈 ニ兎    🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 光栄菊   🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 鍋島    🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 庭のうぐいす🌸🌸🌸🌸
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
Hamamatsu drinking party, this is the fourth drink 🍶. Here's a quick comment! This is another one I've never had before! I'm a weak drinker and I'm getting drunk😅. The aroma is fruity💕💕💕 Color is beautiful💕💕 The mouthfeel is sour, sharp and easy to drink 💕💕Yummmm it's delicious💕I might love it! Pairing is plum crystal which was recommended by a friend of mine 💕💕💕 this goes so well with it 😁😁 I had it for the first time and I'm super addicted to it 👍👍👍👍👍 eat and drink 😁 eat and drink endlessly 👍🍶I highly recommend it to everyone 👍 🌈Drinking Comparison Ranking 🌈 Ni-Hare 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Koei Kiku 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Uguisu in the garden 🌸🌸🌸🌸 Tamitsu 🌸🌸🌸
Niwa no Uguisu鶯印のどぶろく ピンク
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
Hamamatsu drinking party, this is the third drink 🍶. Here's a quick comment! I've never had this one before 😃. The aroma is super fruity💕💕💕 The color is pink as you can see💕💕💕 The mouthfeel is pulpy? I can feel the crushed fruit 💕💕. The sweetness comes all the way through, but it's easy to drink without being unpleasant even for a dry lover like me💕💕💕Yummmm, it's delicious! I recommend it to people who don't like doburoku 👍 🌈Drinking comparison ranking 🌈 Ni-Rabbit 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Uguisu in the garden 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Tamitsu 🌸🌸🌸🌸
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Magoji-san! (^○^) I drank the doburoku of Uguisu in my garden at a restaurant called "Gin Kura" in Morioka, and I was impressed by how good doburoku tasted (lol)! It is a good match for Tono in Iwate.
I'm not a big fan of sludge 😃I don't like sludge myself, but it was really good 👍I will buy some Tono in Iwate if I see it 😃👍.
Nito純米吟醸 雄町 五十五
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
Hamamatsu drinking party, this is the second drink 🍶. Here's a quick comment! This is the one I wanted to drink again 😁. The aroma is fruity💕💕 The color is beautiful💕💕 I like the mouthfeel, again the sourness comes first 💕💕💕It's sharp and goes in smoothly💕💕💕. It has a good balance I want to buy it and drink it at home 👍 🌈Drinking comparison ranking 🌈 Ni-Rabbit🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Tamitsu🌸🌸🌸🌸 This is how it looks like👍
Tabika神の穂 純米吟醸
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笑門 ワラカド ハママツ
Today is a drinking party outside with acquaintances who always give me sake 🍶 😁 We meet at Hamamatsu station and the party begins👍. First, we toasted with draft beer 🍺 and then it was time to get started👍 From the second drink I asked them to order a set of Sake 🍶 for me to compare 💕. Here is the first drink! I chose a sake I've never had before 🍶! The aroma is fruity💕 The color is beautiful💕 The mouthfeel is one of my favorites because the acidity comes first💕It's sharp and delicious💕 🌈Drinking comparison ranking 🌈 Tamitsu🌸🌸🌸 I'll start from about 👍