Souvenir cup of sake from my trip 🍶.
(I was supposed to drink it at the inn, but I was too tired to get up...)
It's clean, dry, and doesn't interfere with the food, so I could enjoy both the sake and the food 😊.
With takikomi gohan (rice cooked with autumn swordfish).
The first sip was a bit different from the first time I drank Yamahai the day before because it had been a while since I had had it, but it was dry and refreshing and it didn't take long to get over it. It is delicious.
It is delicious with just the right amount of sweetness.
As it says on the bottle, it is more refreshing and easier to drink if you chill it properly before drinking. (Personally, I like it a little less sweet.)
Sukiyaki with meat that had been carefully sleeping in the freezer.