SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
飲んべえ16It is a draft sake, but I enjoy it hot. The lid blew off when the bottle was opened, but the sake did not overflow. I warmed it up to lukewarm and it was crisp and dry. It is just right for drinking slowly.
大字なばAs I drank more and more, I became hooked on its deep, nostalgic flavor. The acidity finishes off the overall taste and the aftertaste is good, making it a good match for any type of food.
ぼうすけToday is my first time at Boshimaya! I'm looking forward to seeing how it will be with Omachi and white malted rice 🤔. The aroma is a bit tangy and a bit yellowish. I feel it has a classical Japanese sake flavor. It is quite crisp and acidic, perhaps because of the white malted rice. It tastes better with a meal than on its own. It's 17 degrees, so keep it low 😊.
ヤスベェI know you all were worried about me, but my wife, Kaorin, was safely identified as Corona today😅. Now we will be separated at home until the 24th 🤣. I wish I could do something for her, but I work in a medical facility where contact is strictly forbidden 😅. So the question that arose was what to eat tonight😅. After much thinking, I decided to make oden today...I can make it and feed it to her too 😀. The next question was what kind of alcohol should I drink today😅😅. So we set out to find some heated sake to go with the oden 😀. Which restaurant to go to... then I remembered the restaurant that Rafa papa told me about the other day 😀 This was my first visit to this restaurant. It was my first visit to this store and I told the owner that since I was going to drink Oden today, I wanted a sake that would taste good at around 40 degrees Celsius and he recommended this sake 😀. I compared the sake that was boiled in hot water to 40 degrees and the sake that was left chilled, and it was really good heated sake 😀. It tastes a bit hard in the chilled state, but when I heated it up to 40 degrees, the aroma and taste opened up at once 😀. I brought Kaorin a bottle of Otters' amazake as a souvenir 😀.
ポンちゃんGood evening, Yasube-san 🦉. I'm sorry Kaorin-san is in pain 😰I hope you feel better soon 🙏. This sake tastes great when heated 😳I want to try it 😁 Let's experiment with other origami 😁.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Yasube 😃. Oh my 😫Praying for Kaorin's speedy recovery 😌Oden🍢 and dry sake🍶 is good 😋 we are becoming dry tasters now too😊.
Rafa papaGood morning Yasube-san 😃I'm so sorry to hear about Kaorin-san. I'm so sorry Kaorin-san 😢I hope your recovery is quick 😊Hata-san's recommendation...was it Boshimaya 😁It's a bit dry so it goes well with heated sake 😋I love it too 🥰.
ヤスベェThank you, Pon 🙏. It's a little hard for me too when I hear you coughing from the next room😅. This sake had a very high sake level of 10, even for orikarami, so I think it matched well with the warmed sake!
ヤスベェThank you Jay & Nobby 🙏. I used to cook for myself quite a bit in the past, but I don't do it anymore and my repertoire of what I can make has dwindled 🤣. I think even orikara-mi goes well with heated sake if it has a high sake content 😀.
ヤスベェThank you Rafa papa 🙏. Thank you for telling us about a good restaurant 🙇‍♀️ I chose this one because heated rice wine is very rare 😀.
こぞうMr. Yasube. Good evening. Oh no, your wife Kaorin has corona...💦Take care of yourself. We've all had it in our family 💦and I've had it twice...the second time was pretty lax on infection control 🤣Healthcare workers have a tough job💦.
ヤスベェThank you for your concern, kozo-san 🙏. Actually, Kaori-chan and I have both been infected twice at the same time, and this is the third time for Kaori-chan😅. Somehow, I have to avoid it this time 🤣.
TAKA2Yesterday I went to Sekigahara for a visit and on the way home I bought some sake from Ibi. Unfortunately, they did not have any Imi, but I bought this sake from the same Ibi sake brewery. I was told that this brewery produces a lot of dry sake, but this sake is slightly cloudy and easy to drink with a sweet flavor. It was a hit at our house.
Bojimaya超辛口 おりがらみ純米原酒生酒無濾過
ワカ太Rafa-san gave this Boshimaya to Sake-no-Wawa before. Just as I was thinking about applying to my husband for a purchase request because I was curious about the Orikagarami dry sake, he bought it even though I haven't said anything yet😳. This is the sincerest ⁉️ With Shinshu Kamerei on the side there. Now, a super dry orikara. The aroma is, oh, melon-like‼️ drink it and it has a freshness that is typical of origara-mi. Of course, the base is super dry. The spiciness is in contrast to the sweetness, and everything is washed away... I like this one. ❤️
ポンちゃんGood morning, Wakata 😊. As expected of the Wakata family! I can see how well they get along 💕 I'm so happy to see that you are "accompanying" the Shinshu Kamerei 😆👍✨.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, Wakata 😃. It's truly a heart to heart 😊 wonderful 👏. Like a French menu, served with Shinshu Kamerei. It also works 😍. And this sake! I think we would absolutely love it too 🤗
ワカ太Pon-chan, good morning 😃My husband's side said that he picked up Boshimaya by chance because it was so yucky to buy only Shinshu Kamerei at Hata-san, but it was such a miracle that Boshimaya seemed to be the main attraction to me at that time.
ワカ太Jay & Nobby, good morning 😃I've been added to your list 😅I've never met Boshimaya before, but I'm sure you'll like him too 😊I'd love to meet him 💕👍.
Rafa papaHappy New Year, Wakata-san 🎍. Your husband who buys Boshimaya with a heart to heart is wonderful👍‼️Hata-san is right to buy Shinshu Kamerei after buying other sake....we have other good sake too😁New year, too!
ワカ太Rafa papa, Happy New Year 🎍I just noticed your comment here, sorry about that 🙇‍♀️, but I look forward to working with you this year 🐲Hata's way of buying alcohol, I understand 🫡.
nitoThis is a limited edition sake that I bought at the new sake festival held at the brewery last month, they told me to open the bottle after 12/9, so I let it ferment in the bottle as they said. 🎶🎶🎶 I was very excited to open the bottle, but it opened normally without any problems. The nigori is also fresh and dry, as it is a dry Boshimaya. It is fresh and dry 🍶. I decided to warm up the sake. It was so delicious. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋.
夜景おじさん62号Tonight we had our Christmas tradition of fried chicken and macaroni salad, and #Fusashimaya Junmai Super Dry Orikarami from Ibi-gun, Gifu Prefecture. It is packed with just the right amount of sweetness and umami, so it doesn't feel dry. The flavor is like the sweetness of large grapes with red skin discounted. It is an excellent match for meat and fatty sashimi. It is a sake that will break your dry taste buds.
程咬金100% Yamada Nishiki The most expensive sake I have ever bought. It was the most expensive sake I have ever bought. I bought it because I went to the opening of the brewery's warehouse. It was so smooth, so tasty and sweet, I didn't need any snacks. I had a luxurious and delicious time!