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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店 入間店
Overall 9 (out of 10) I had my first Shimane sake 🍶😃. I got it from Pekho-san. According to the description of the sake shop It's a "fruity and full of flavor" sake! Delicious 😋. It is a light, astringent and delicious 🍶. More of a sense of breadth than a sense of depth. Simple and straight rather than complex and harmonious Consistent throughout rather than a change in flavor. The astringency brings out the umami of the rice in a good way. I got such an impression 😋. It was gone in no time at all😅 I served it chilled. The aroma I got from the bottle is as follows.  -Aroma: A strong aroma of rice.  -Aroma: Slightly astringent taste that passes through the nose. Taste sensation The higher the number, the stronger the taste (5 is the maximum)  -Spiciness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sweetness: 1 at the beginning → 1 in the aftertaste  -Sourness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Bitterness: 0 at the beginning → 0 in the aftertaste  -Astringency: 1 at the beginning 1→ Lingering 1  -Rice flavor: 4 at the beginning → 3 in the aftertaste Mouthfeel I felt】→3 Small number = light and smooth Large number = thick and rich (5 is the maximum)
Fruity, slightly dry and delicious 😋The sauce for the low-temperature cooked homemade ham is a combination of soy sauce, maple syrup and mustard! It has all the sweet, spicy and astringent flavors that go well with alcohol 🥰! Served with grilled mushroom celery mitsuba salad 💕
Good morning, shinsaku3 & Pekho 😃. Congratulations on your first Shimane sake ㊗️ 🎉! I think fruity dry sake goes well with everything 😋, and the beautifully arranged tsumami filled with sweet and spicy astringents is a great way to drink 😙.
Hi Jay & Nobby😃. Thank you 😊 It was quite simple and easy to drink👍. Maybe it's a good food wine to pair with meals and snacks 😃.
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I went to Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery and Sake Brewery Museum 😆. But all the sake was sold out there 😭 So I went to a liquor store that sells this sake and bought Rihachi👍. I wanted to drink it and I couldn't bear to end up not being able to buy it 😣. But I'm glad I was able to buy it safely 😌. I've had this drink before and I know it's good, so I feel safe drinking it 😌. I wasn't sure whether to buy Rihachi's white label or black label, but this time I went with this one ✨. It's consistently delicious 😋.
Okuizumomaewataya理八 純米吟醸 酵母1801号 生酒純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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Stylish monotone bottle design like whiskey or wine. Beautiful sweetness. The aftertaste is light and crisp. It can be enjoyed on its own or as an in-between-dinner drink. It is delicious!
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Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery's 901 yeast 🍶. There are two different brands of Rihachi with different yeast, this time I bought this one✨. Slight bitterness from a slight sourness on the palate. It has a lingering umami taste 😌. Very easy to drink 👍
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 純米吟醸 火入れ 酵母1701号
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Shimane Sake (8) This is the last one we bought in bulk at Tamatsukuri Onsen in November. It is an easy-drinking type with a fruity flavor, but it is not overly sweet and has a lingering mid-palate. It is best drunk at room temperature. It is a perfect match for all kinds of home-style dishes, and is a sake that you will never get tired of drinking. If I had it on hand, I would definitely pour it in the first glass. It seems to be a test brew, so it will probably be distributed in the market with a nice name soon 💖. Living in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Shimane sake is hard to come by, but from now on, I'll be sure to check it out when I see it at the liquor store: ‼️
Okuizumomaewataya理八 1801号純米吟醸生酒
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Yes ... I went back to the all-you-can-drink place 🤭. The first drink was "Rihachi" by the up-and-coming Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery! It was on the all-you-can-drink menu, so I ordered it without thinking! When I smelled it, it had a gorgeous aroma! Sweet, beautiful and full of fruitiness. It also has a strong umami taste and a bitter aftertaste. The aftertaste was bitter and clean! This is easy to drink and extremely delicious! Modern sake quality, taste that can be enjoyed by everyone. Related Report: Unveiling of new sake at Takeshita Honten, the family home of former Prime Minister Takeshita, which has been in business for more than 150 years (Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture) https://news.goo.ne.jp/article/tsk_tv/region/tsk_tv-2023122500013680.html I drank a lot during the few days I stayed in Kumamoto🫠. Thanks to Kurimanju senpai, I learned that shellfish soup is the best hangover remedy 😆. This morning we went to "Roadside Station Shiranui" heading for Amakusa and ordered a large bowl of shellfish soup! The amount of shellfish is huge 😁. It's soooo good 😭. I'm so glad I feel like I've come back to life!
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Let's drink a sake you've never had before campaign! The lid is opened and it is said to be a new sake from Mae Wamaya. Anyway, the aroma is amazing ◎ If you like Hana-yoso or CEL24, you should definitely get your hands on this sake! If you like Hanayo or CEL24, you should definitely try this sake!
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 酵母1701号純米吟醸
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Second sake of the day from Tabe Takeshita Brewery🍶. Compared to the earlier Rihachi, this one has a richer 😌 flavor. This one also has a little bitterness in the aftertaste. My husband preferred this one and I preferred the Rihachi 😆.
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Okuizumo Maemawataya, read as "Okaizumo Maemawataya," is a test brew using yeast No. 1001. The brewery's sake comes from the birthplace of former Prime Minister Takeshita. Mellow aroma and elegant taste. The sweetness may be better when it is closer to room temperature. I'm curious about the difference in yeast.

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