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Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 1001号純米吟醸
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Tabe Takeshita Brewery's test brew 🍶. One of four different yeasts...1001 yeast ✨. Now we have 4 kinds👍 It's a test brew, but it's a sake with a taste I really like 😊. Sweetness, umami, and a hint of sourness. It's delicious 😋. I hope this sake will become a regular product soon 😆.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 1801号酵母純米吟醸
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Sake with 1801 yeast 🍶. Third bottle of test brew sake. It's refreshing but also sweet💕. I prefer this one to the 2 bottles I had before✨. I'm also buying a fourth bottle with a different yeast this time, so I'm looking forward to the rest 😆.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 1701号酵母純米吟醸
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Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery's test brew ✨ that I drank before. Different yeast from last time Quite refreshing to drink. Some acidity. Slight bitterness? A slight bitterness? Sweetness seems moderate 😊. Maybe when I first discovered sake I would have found it slightly dry, but now I can enjoy it 💕.
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地酒処 たちばな酒店
I was wondering about the warehouse 🤟 Yeast 1001/polished 60 Yeast 1001/Heated clear and colorless Mild muskmelon-like standing aroma Texture is smooth but tears in the glass. Slightly tangy in the first sip after opening the bottle Slight acidity and a slight astringency with a firm sweetness and umami. Well-balanced with a moderate aftertaste. When it reaches room temperature, the astringent taste is a bit strong. I like it when it is cooled by snow. Next time, if I have a chance, I would like to have it with broiled eel 🤤. I would also like to try No. 9 or 901 yeast!
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日本酒と牡蠣 モロツヨシ
Morotsuyoshi's store, the reason why I went here is because I remembered that takeshon-san, who should not live in the Kanto area, had seen this store's instagram for a while and recommended me to go here ‼️ when I went to Noge 😁. I talked to the shopkeeper, and he said that many people come all the way from far away to visit this store! The test brew in the first picture was dry and refreshing. The problem is the second picture. The manager of Morotsuyoshi Atsugi told me it was delicious, and it was really rich and sweet, but I had no idea what the name of the sake was 🤣I guess drunk people shouldn't take pictures 📷If anyone can help me out, please let me know: 🙇‍♀️ I had to leave because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to go home if I drank any more. I only went to 2 restaurants in Noge 😅.
Good evening, Mr. Yukachin! I'm also in Kansai, but for some reason I know this restaurant 🤣I've seen it so many times in Google recommendations that I've learned the name 🤣. I looked up the second picture but couldn't figure it out😅.
Good evening, Mr. Yukachin 🎈🎈. That is a very rare sake "Kencino" ❗❗❗ It is an original limited edition sake from Tokumaru Shoten in Yokohama 🍶🍶🍶. It is from the same brewery as Genmai and is specially brewed by the toji's husband "Kenichi Chino" 😋😋.
Good morning, bouken😃bouken you know this store too ⁉️ if you come to visit us in Kanto, please visit us 🤣 just say a word and we will come running 😆.
Good morning, superbebe😊I woke up this morning and the mystery is solved✨It was a sake from the Genmai brewery! That must be delicious 😋superbebe, you're the best 👍Thank you 😍.
Hi Yukachin 😃 This restaurant seems to be famous among YouTubers who are into drinking and walking, and I've seen it on YouTube a few times myself 😍. Noge has a lot of other good and cheap places to eat 😙 if you live nearby.
Hi Yucachin 😃 I see you went to Noge: ❗️ I follow so many restaurants that I don't even know where they are 😆.
3KAN4ON, good evening🌇I sometimes go to Noge for a drink 🍺You know this place very well 😆 There are many good restaurants here! Even if it's not close by, I always go there 🎶.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 🌇Noge is easier to get to than the city center, so I end up there 😁 You know how to use your Instagram ✨.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 1701号大吟醸
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It is refreshing and crisp, as if low-protein rice was used. It has a juicy fruitiness and is easy to drink. Too bad it is a test brew, so you can't drink a lot of it. Former Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita even had a brewing company affiliated with it in the past. The fact that the name is Tabe Takeshita Brewery is a nice touch.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 酵母1701号純米吟醸生酒
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Personal note Purchase price】 720mL 1870 yen (including tax) How to drink】Cold, before, during or after meals Percentage] Koji rice: 50%, Kake rice: 60% (100% domestic rice) Yeast] 1701 Sake meter] - [Sake meter] - [Acidity Acidity Amino Acidity Alcohol content] 15.0 Production Date] 2023.4 Appearance】Transparent and colorless, without thickening. Taste: [Taste: ★★★★★] There is a slight aroma of Japanese pear. The aftertaste is slightly rich and bitter, but it is sharp and clean. The aftertaste is slightly rich and bitter, but has a good sharpness. [Change over time: ★★★☆☆☆] No change. Comment] I have now had all four of Okuidumo Maemawaya's test brews, and this yeast 1701 is the best. It is very easy to drink, but also has a strong flavor. Overall evaluation: ★★★★★

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