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Yatagarasu浩然之気 菩提酛純米
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Nara Pref. Yoshino County. Kita Okamoto Store Co. Yatagarasu, Kozen-no-ki, Bodhi Hashimoto Junmai-shu. Purchased at the Bodhi Hashiroshi Festival at Shorekiji Temple. Yatagarasu is a Nara Bodhi Hashiroshi sake that is just in between sweet and spicy. It is the easiest to drink with the least peculiar taste. Sake made with Shorekiji's Bodai Hashiroshi has a sticker on it. Serve cold. The nose has a mild, slightly sweet, burnt honey-like aroma with a hint of alkaloa. On the palate, it has a slightly honey-like sweetness on the tongue. The addictive acidity is less than that of "Takacho" and "Sanomorosugi" which we drank before. When it passes through the nose, it has a burnt, smoky aroma. It is a calm Bodhidashi sake that does not have the peculiar aroma of Shaoxing sake. It is a well-balanced, serious, young man's type of sake that does not overpower the Bodhidashi and does not assert itself too much. Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Rice polishing ratio: 70%. Alcohol Content:15
Rafa papa
Good morning, Nemuchi 😃 I'm interested in Bodhidashi sake 😆 I have an image that it seems to have strong habit but this sake is easy to drink 😊I don't know if it's good for first time drinker 😌.
Good morning, Nemuchi-san: ☀️ Lately, breweries in Nara have been very active in using Bodhi yeast 😊. Kaze no Mori no Aburacho Brewery also started to brew all their ALPHA series with Bodhi yeast 😁. I guess they are going back to their roots ......🤔
Rafa papa, good evening 🌛The way of making Bodhi yeast is a little different between Nara and Okayama, and Nara has a sticker of "Shorakuji Bodhi yeast" 😁For the first time, please try the addictive Bodhi yeast of "Takacho" ❗You may like it or not 😅
Masha-san, good evening 🌛Kaze-no-mori is changing the ALPHA series one by one, and they are going to change the whole production to Bodo yeast by 2024 😊Although the number of breweries in Nara Bodo yeast study group is decreasing, I think it is important that the old method is handed down to the next generation 😆.
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A narrow square bottle, which looks like it might contain gin or something, is surrounded on three sides by cedar boards, and furthermore, is sandwiched between squares on the top and bottom. All are made of Yoshinosugi cedar! The boards are used to put sake snacks on. The two cells are for "more and more". Bon appétit 😚. It's obvious, but it smells like a barrel. Pour this into a square and drink it, as the name suggests, "Tarusake ga kaori too" 😆. The aroma of Yoshino cedar seems to eliminate the muddiness and purify it 😎. No matter what you count on, your mouth will be clean and clear! The glossy, clear umami runs through it, with a slight sourness and spiciness that will not bore you 🤤. This is one of the best refreshing sakes I have ever had 😍.
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The clear, crisp taste that does not interfere with your meal reminds you of the delicious taste of Nara's divine mountains and the clear water that springs from them.
Yatagarasu吉野千本桜 本醸造本醸造
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Purchased during a visit to a sake fair in Tennoji, Osaka last month. The cherry blossoms have long since fallen, but the bottle is finally open. Yatagarasu is often seen in Nara, but not so often outside of the prefecture. This is sake! The aroma is very nice, and the color is a little yellowish. It has the sharpness and dryness characteristic of Nara's local sake. It is full, but the sharpness is more impressive. It has a strong bitterness, so it may not be suitable for sake beginners.
Yatagarasuやたがらす 純米樽酒 たる樽
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Yatagarasu Junmai Taru Taru Great cedar aroma! The moment you take a sip, the aroma of cedar spreads quickly and leaves an astringent taste. The aroma is said to be that of Yoshino cedar. Today I had it with Tuna Tataki. It was 180ml, but I wanted to drink more.
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田中 楽
April 2019, as the fifth drink of the day at Tora Vigilante in Shibuya. The brewer is Kitaoka Honten Co. in Yoshino-cho, Nara Prefecture. Yatagarasu is a three-legged crow, the symbol of the Japan Football Association and is also depicted on the uniform of the Japanese national team. According to an Internet search, "The Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) and Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) state that "Kamu Yamato Iwarebiko (later Emperor Jinmu) marched through the mountains of Kumano and Yoshino on his way to the east, guided by a yatagarasu sent from heaven," and that it is "a crow of good fortune to lead him to victory. So it is named after Yoshino Town. https://www.kitaoka-honten.com/
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<A beautifully dry, acidic and tasty food wine. It seems to go well at room temperature, so I served it at room temperature first. The aroma is slightly acidic with a hint of rice flavor. It is quiet, but still classic. It is like a beautiful classic dry wine. The mouthfeel is smooth and smooth, with a classic acidity that is not fruity at all. It is smooth, with a classic acidity that is not fruity at all, and a mild umami. From there, it goes from umami-powan to alu-bitter-powan. The flavor is not so strong, but it has a nice aftertaste with a hint of umami. It is an orthodox sake with an acidic and umami aftertaste that is typical of Japanese sake. It is a classic acid-umami alcohol food sake. To be honest, it is not for beginners who are not used to drinking sake. However, it has a taste that will be popular with the experts. It is a good dry sake that makes you feel like you are drinking sake. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Kasuga-sama from "Spirited Away. He is the god who came to the oil store with a large group of people wearing paper masks. It was like a Nara classic. Degree of liking: ★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Yatagarasuやたがらす しぼりたて原酒 にごり
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The top clear layer is dark and dry with a touch of sweetness. When the lees are mixed in, the depth of the mild flavor increases quickly, but the dry taste finishes with a crisp finish. It goes well with strong flavored dishes. It is delicious.
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Very shibboleth label. But the manager said it's good. It's really not for the experts (it doesn't stink), it's beautiful and delicious. It also has an elegant aroma like white grapes. It has a sharp and disciplined mouthfeel, with a light sweetness and umami taste, and a nice sharpness. The price is very good and inexpensive. I am glad I ordered it. The vegetables in the carrot rappée were delicious.

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