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73 check-ins

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Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Takasago, 1−21−27
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「LIBROM」がイタリアで酒造りに挑戦!クラウドファンディングサービス「CAMPFIRE」にて、2/29(木)まで支援募集中 | 日本酒専門WEBメディア「SAKETIMES」

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フルーツやハーブが引き出す、新しいSAKEの楽しみ方 - 福岡県・LIBROM Craft Sake Brewery | SAKE Street | プロも愛読の日本酒メディア

2020年、福岡県福岡市にオープンしたクラフトサケ醸造所・LIBROM Craft Sake Brewery(以下、LIBROM)。代表の柳生光人(やぎゅう みつと)さんと杜氏の穴見峻平(あなみ しゅんぺい)さんが、街中にあるバー併設の醸造所で、フルーツやハーブを副原料に用いたクラフトサケを製造しています。 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大により、地元・福岡県でのオープンに至ったものの、もともとは「イタリアで酒造りをしたい」という夢を持って立ち上げられたLIBROM。オープンから3年目を迎えるいま、二人はどのような想いで酒造りをしているのでしょうか。SAKE Street | プロも愛読の日本酒メディア

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LIBROM Check-in 1
LIBROM Check-in 2LIBROM Check-in 3
食べ呑み処 あぐまる
5/10 I've been wanting to try this one for a while. Craft saké, which is treated as so-called "other brews". The rice polishing ratio is 92% and the alcohol content is 9 degrees. It was more grape than I expected, and more juice than I expected. I thought it would be more of a sake, but it was just as easy to drink as grape juice. It is amazing that it is so easy to drink with this rice polishing ratio.
LIBROM× UNITEDARROWS × 浜田屋酒店 スムージーサワーサケ バナナ
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
I will post a second one this evening. LIBROM x UNITEDARROWS x Hamadaya Sake Shop Smoothie Sour Sake Banana🍌🍌🍌 It's a craft saké called Smoothie Sour Sake, which is made by LIBROM's doburoku process with a large amount of domestic bananas. ☺️ The aroma and quality of the sake is similar to that of a plum liqueur, but the banana flavor comes through in the aftertaste. When mixed with the sedimentary layer, it turns into a thicker, thicker Doburoku. The creaminess and volume come through, but it is not at all weirdly strong, and the banana flavor is very mild and easy to drink 😋😋😋😋.
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
Kumamoto Off-line Meeting 10 Here comes the manager again! He brought something with him. CHAWARI✕ LIBROM Hot sake 🍶. Tea I feel. Plum wine? I thought it looked like peach 🍑. It says oolong tea and peach. I didn't feel the sake element at all. Recently, a liquor store in my neighborhood started carrying Librom, and the manager said he made them treat it as fishing 🤣. Who is this manager 🤔?
TOMO-san It has been a while. I had heard that you have started to handle this product in Kumamoto. I envy you because Peach Oolong is produced in small quantities and is in short supply even in the Librom store.
Good evening, Mr. Gura😊. Finally, the riblom landed in Kumamoto🎊. I have not seen Librom since you gave it to me before 😊. I'm going to buy it next time because I think my son will like it because the bottle is stylish too.
LIBROMスムージーサワーサケ バナナ
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
Doburoku with banana, a triple collaboration of Hamadaya Brewery, LIBROM, and UA. This was my first experience with fizzy, thick banana juice.
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
At the end, Mr. Gura surprised us with a LIBROM that he brought with him. It is sold at SAKE Street, which is always popping up, but I had never had it before, so I was so happy I had to have another one 💡. I thought the label was supposed to be a melon, but it was more like enjoying the sweet and sour taste of amaou and the aroma of cinnamon. The cinnamon flavor was perfect to refresh my palate after the meal, and I was able to finish the first meeting pleasantly. The bottle is also cute and chunky✨.
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
Hi ☀️ Today is my day off so I'll start chivvying at noon 🍶. LIBROM COLA ✨ Craft saké made with cola tailings from Abe Sake Brewery in Kashiwazaki, Niigata, which is famous for Abe🍶. The aroma is cola, but the taste is less sweet and more mature with citrus, bitterness, and a cinnamon-like spice. The 9% alcohol content makes it easy to drink 😋😋😋😋😋.
What's this 😱. I want to drink so bad 😆🍶✨✨
Hello, kirataso-san. Lunchtime drinking on your day off is bliss, isn't it 🎵. But still, I didn't know there was such a thing as this kind of sake 😲. I thought there were numerous sake, but it's more than I imagined, which always surprises me in a fresh way ✨.
What is this sake? I want to drink it.
@chica. Thank you for your comment😊If you get a chance to visit ❗️ it's delicious 😋.
@ma-ki-. Thanks for your comment ❗️LIBROM is not the only one, but the craft salmon genre is an interesting one - ☺️
@aki_fumi. Thank you for your comment 😊 It's not exactly sake, but classified as "other brewed sake". The way it is made is similar to sake, but if it tastes good, the result is okay 😋.
Hi Kirataso 😃 This sake looks like something that even the kids at home could enjoy a quick drink! It would be fun to serve it when we get together for Obon 🤗
@Jay & Nobby. Thanks for your comment 😊 It's certainly a dish that can be enjoyed by those who don't drink a lot of alcohol: ‼️
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
米屋 蔵バル 梅田店
Kansai Sake-no-wa: Off-line meeting with Mr. Gura coming to Osaka The last drink of the first meeting. Actually, you can bring your own drinks to this restaurant 😆. We had LIBROM brought by Mr. Gura as the last drink 😊. It was full of sweet and sour amaurosis and the spicy cinnamon combined with the sweetness of the amaurosis was really delicious 😋. Thank you for the delicious drinks, Gula-san 🙏. We headed to Osaka station building to go to the after-party, but we lost Pon-chan and Umaisan on the way to the after-party 😅. We were refused to go to the pub in the basement of Osaka Ekimae Building because it was full, so we turned around again and went through the hotel area (🏩) and the dubious stores to find the venue for the after-party. To be continued
bouken, I'm sorry to bother you so often 🙇. The rib rhubarb was delicious 💕 like the ❣️ dessert. By the way, I don't know about the second meeting, I'm looking forward to it 😁.
Good morning, Pon-chan! I heard there are so many flavors out there, it's hard to keep up 😁I heard there were plums too 😋my memory is a little hazy so it's not much to go on, but please bear with me until I post it 😊.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<Lime acid, minty mojito flavor. Mr. Librom's 7th drink. The last one. Aroma: A hint of mint and rosemary. The mint is not as prominent as expected. It is a gentle aroma. In the mouth, there is a sparkling carbonation and lime acidity. The acidity is soft and bitter. The aftertaste is also a bitterness of herbs. Yes, it has a mojito-like flavor. But it is a gentle mojito with a hint of rice flavor in the back. The bitterness is clean and cuts through the aftertaste nicely. It is refreshing after all. Perfect for summer. Delicious! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Pazoo from "Castle in the Sky". It has a straightforward freshness with a hint of bitterness. Liked: ★★★★ I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<Lemon with a hint of lemon bitterness. The aroma is lemon and a hint of mint. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the sourness of lemon. However, in the back, there is a mysterious umami and richness derived from rice as well as lemon. And in the aftertaste, there is a bitter taste of lemon peel. Yes, this is a lemon sake. The presence of lemon shines through. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the lemonade that Fio drinks in "Red Pig". This is the lemonade that Fio drinks when he is filling up the tank with gasoline. When it comes to lemonade, there is no other way to describe it. It is a refreshing drink that goes well with the blue sea and sky of the Mediterranean Sea. Liked: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<The freshness of citrus and a hint of peppermint. The aroma is amazing! Rich sweet summer citrus. And the gentle natural Hakka, which is different from strong and hard refined mint, is soft and fluffy. This is refreshing and pleasant! When you put it in your mouth, you will be hit with the refreshing sourness and bitterness of sweet summer. The acidity swells from there, and a gentle sweetness also comes out softly. Finally, there is the gentle bitterness of the ama-satsuma peppermint. This bitterness is mildly refreshing and seems to go well with many dishes. The aftertaste is a menthol of the peppermint, which disappears nicely with a faint trace of menthol. I am not very good at sake with a moderate sweetness and a strong sourness. But I don't mind that at all with this sake. Wow! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the theme song from "The Cat Returns", "Kaze ni Naru". It is a fresh and cheerful masterpiece, like a spring breeze. I actually like this song more than the main movie. Degree of liking: ★★★★* *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<The sweetness is derived from the koji mold and the cola flavor. The fourth drink by Librom is an amazake made by Abe Sake Brewery of Abe, which uses the squeezed lees of Kraft Cola as a secondary ingredient. The aroma is very cola-like. Then there's the hackberry and coriander. Refreshing & spicy. When you put it in your mouth, you feel the sourness and sweetness of lemon cola. This is very interesting. But that's not all. It has a sweetness and depth derived from malted rice. And the spicy aftertaste is very spicy! Wow! Interesting! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be the cola that appears in "On Your Mark" for one cut. On Your Mark" is a short film of less than 7 minutes made as a music video by CHAGE & ASKA. With a song by Chageas in the background, the story of two people rescuing a girl with wings is depicted in an extremely dense manner. More than a movie's worth of story is packed into just under seven minutes. And there is an empty Coca-Cola can lying on the ground where the girl is being held captive in chains. Liked: ★★★★☆ *I'll post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "Korune Sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<Herb, fluffy, margarita-like tomato texture. Mr. Livrom's third drink is tomato. This is an Italian-inspired secondary ingredient that is typical of Mr. Livlom, who hopes to brew sake in Italy in the future. I can't imagine what it tastes like. I'm going to drink it right away. The initial aroma is of herbs, tomatoes, and malted rice. In the mouth, there is a hint of tomatoes and herbs. Then, there is a slight lactic acidity. The herbs may be basil and oregano. The last hint is a hint of tomato and refreshing bitterness. Could this be a drinkable Margherita pizza? If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say Monica from "Red Pig". She is the niece of President Piccolo, who came to Porco to manufacture his flying boat. She only appears for a moment, but she also has a line that says just one word: "Nice to meet you. She seems like a beautiful Italian wife. She seems to have a good temperament and seems to eat pizza. Likes: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<Green kiwi and a hint of lemon As the name suggests, this sake uses kiwi as a secondary ingredient. The aroma has a mysterious richness. There is a slight kiwi-ness to it, but the koji is also soft and mysterious. The mouthfeel is carbonated and acidic. The acidity is very clear. Green kiwi and a hint of lemon. The sweetness is moderate, at least it is not golden kiwi. The second half has the bitterness of wildflowers and the greenness of kiwi. The aftertaste also leaves a greenish flavor. Interesting! The entrée was pickled cabbage, which was also chosen to go with the sake. The sake was paired with the pickled cabbage, which brought out the umami flavor of the dish. The glutamic acid in the kelp is the key. That's what my friend said. I see! I know it's not Ghibli, but I can compare it to Terra from "Conan: Future Boy". Strong-willed and full of tsun. The bitterness and greenness of the wildflowers are also perfect. But as we get closer to the end of the story, she starts to get a little derek-like and cute. Degree of liking: ★★★☆☆ The full version of this blog will be posted on the blog, complete with character images. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROM Check-in 1
<Refreshingly, it's not a lemon, but it's a schwalmon. The herb lemon verbena is used as a secondary ingredient. Lemon verbena is actually not related to lemon at all. It is a shrub that grows to a height of 1 to 3 meters, and its leaves are said to have a lemon aroma. Now what kind of drink is this? The aroma is lemon, malted rice, and a strange sweetness. It's not lemon, but clearly lemon. Lemon verbena is amazing! And with the lemon, there is a clear koji rice sweetness. Interesting! The mouthfeel is a shwash of carbonation, and the lemon is soft and fluffy. In the latter half, the bitterness of the lemon also appears and disappears without leaving any aftertaste. It is very easy to drink. The low alcohol content also makes it easy to drink. If I were to compare it to Constance from "Red Pig" in Ghibli, I would compare it to the four sisters who are Fio's cousins. She is one of the four sisters of Fio's cousin, and the third one to greet Porco, the girl in pink. She is a fresh, fresh and cute girl. She is the most energetic of the four sisters. Likes: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images and other information. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
LIBROMBATON TOUCH No.3 甘夏と和ハッカ 2022BY発泡
LIBROM Check-in 1LIBROM Check-in 2
LIBROM Check-in 3LIBROM Check-in 4
Good evening, I am posting my second one. This is a new one by LIBROM ✨ on a recent private expedition to Hakata, Fukuoka. BATON TOUCH No.3 Sweet Summer and Japanese Hakka The refreshing aroma of citrus fruits, the gas from the second fermentation in the bottle is pleasant, and the bitterness and spiciness of the Japanese Hakka on the back end make it easy to drink 🍶😋😋😋. It's like a juice, but it's delicious in its own way.

Brands from LIBROM


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