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Mikotsuru純米吟醸 ひとごこち 無濾過生原酒
おやじぃMikotsuru Junmai Ginjo Hitogokochi is an unfiltered unpasteurized sake. It is a delicious sake with a good balance of sweet and tasty flavor and moderate acidity. It is a delicious sake. It is purchased at Kobayashi Shuten, a local sake shop.
HideOhhh this is delicious! 😝✨ Despite the label, it's very fruity and fresh 😛. It may look classical on the outside, but it's completely modern on the inside! It looks like that, but the actual age is 27 years old, which is surprisingly young! It's just like that 😄. The "Unfiltered Nama Ooragarami" always has a nice ring to it 😊✨. Miko, my favorite micro-gas melon! It's not easy to see her, so if you see her, you must take her home with you!
兄貴I was at my favorite liquor store the other day and they had this on sale...I was lost and missed out on buying it...I should have bought it...too bad 😢.
Hide兄貴さんこんばんは😊 あ〜大変惜しいことをされましたよそれは😅次見つけたら是非ともお買い求めいだたくことをおすすめします☝美味しいですから😊✨
Mikotsuru五百万石 辛口純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
湘南の漢Gokotsuru is my favorite brand. This is my first time to try Gohyakumangoku, I was told by the waiter that Gokozuru is the sharpest brand I was told by the waiter that Gohyakumangoku has the best sharpness. When the bottle is opened, it has a slightly sweet aroma. When you drink it, the balance of sweetness and acidity is good. It has a slight effervescence and goes down without any peculiarities, It has a short aftertaste and is certainly sharp. It's no surprise, The taste is different from other sake rice series and is very interesting. It goes well with meals, I like this brand, it is delicious.
Mikotsuru純米吟醸 山恵錦 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
コタローI wanted to eat soba (buckwheat noodles), so I bought some at a liquor store that has a good selection of Shinshu sake. Perhaps it was just a coincidence, but recently I have been enjoying Yamae-Nishiki sake, so I chose Yamae-Nishiki as my sake of choice. The aroma was fruity at first, but I thought the rice was too strong. When I drank it, I felt a little bit of a shwash. The taste was sweet, with a strong rice flavor and a bitter taste coming at the end. The aroma when swallowing is fruity and has a fruity note at the back. This is a type of sake that I have not had before. It is not too floral, goes well with tempura and soba noodles, and is delicious. After opening the bottle, the sweetness seems to become stronger, but it is more like rice than fruit or candy. It is also full-bodied and dark. However, it was surprisingly easy to drink as a mid-meal drink, and it was delicious.
Mikotsuru諏訪美山錦 火入れ純米吟醸
LukeWhen served cold The aroma is not so strong. In the mouth You can feel the rich umami and pleasant acidity. The aftertaste is also firm. There is a sense of fruity flavor. It can be enjoyed as a stand-alone sake.
Mikotsuruひとごごち 火入れ純米吟醸
LukeApple-like aroma On the palate Gentle sweetness, a hint of sourness and umami. The closer to room temperature, the stronger the flavor is. There is no sense of wine. Impression of well-balanced sake
@水橋Mikotsuru Junmai Ginjo Suwa Miyamanishiki Unfiltered Nama-shu 720ml Alcohol content: 16%. Rice: Suwa Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio: 50 It was purchased at the brewery's store on Thursday. It is freshly pressed and tastes great. It tastes fresh and delicious when freshly pressed. Yesterday, I paid a visit to the Suwa-taisha shrine and received a commemorative coin purse for completing the four red seals. After that, we headed to the neighboring Hokuto City in search of cherry blossoms. I paid a visit to Yuzu no Misodegi Shrine and had lunch at a soba (buckwheat noodle) restaurant near Shichiken's Yamanashi Meisen brewery. It seemed to be a very popular restaurant. After that, we went to the Shichiken brewery store to buy some fresh sake, and my wife went to Kinseiken across the street to support the recovery! My wife went to Kinseiken across the street to buy "Gokujo Nama Shingen Mochi," 100% fresh rice cake made in Ishikawa Prefecture. We then set out for the Yamataka Jindai Zakura. The weather was drizzling, but the 2,000-year-old tree was in full bloom. It was just at the beginning of full bloom, which was nice. We returned to the inn and opened the bottle of Miko-chan 😄. There were many foreigners at all the brewery stores this time. Everyone was buying in large quantities.
ハリーGood morning, @Mizuhashi 😃 I'd like to go there when it gets warmer too. But it seems that the number of foreigners is increasing, I hardly saw any until last year😅.
@水橋Good morning, Harry 😃. Yesterday, people paid about 58,000 yen for 2 sets of all types of sake 💦. They probably went to the brewery restaurant after the brewery tour 😆.
ジェイ&ノビィHi @Mizuhashi 😃 The buy and drink series 😆 sounds awesome 🤗 and the soba noodles you eat there look delicious 😋. It's great to see all the international tourists interested in sake 😊.
ハリー@Mizuhashi, thanks for the information. So you got a brewery restaurant in Gokozuru? But is it all 58,000 yen ⁉️ Chinese rich🤑?
@水橋@Mizuhashi Harry, sorry for the lack of explanation. That is Shichiken Kougen. The Mikotsuru store is the same as before. But there were some foreigners there with Narita-awa license plate numbers 😄.
@水橋Good evening, Jay & Nobby🌇. We bought, drank, ate soba noodles and traveled to Shinshu Andochi and Koshu ^ ^. We enjoyed ourselves again 😄.
ハリー@Mizuhashi, thank you for your explanation😊Shichiken is a tourist attraction in Yamanashi, I was relieved that foreigners didn't crowd into the small Gokozuru 😅.
Mikotsuru山恵錦 無濾過生原酒 サーバー酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
nitoAfter visiting five Suwa breweries and sake breweries last Saturday, I visited Mikotsuru for the third time. 🎶 And after the tasting, we bought the server sake. This day it was Yamae Nishiki. The best rice sake at Mikotsuru, I was lucky. 🌾. I went home and opened the bottle. 😋😋😋😋😋
@水橋Good morning, NITO 😃. Looks delicious. I bought the same one yesterday at the brewery store. I am not sure if I will have it tonight or when I get home.
nitoHello, @Mizuhashi! I see you went to the brewery. Server sake, there's a lot of fun in not knowing what's in it until you go there, isn't there? Please give us a repo.
Mikotsuru純米酒 生酒
深谷の阿部ちゃんIn my opinion, the quality of sake has improved dramatically over the past few years. Gokotsuru, whose sake quality has improved dramatically over the past few years. It is a junmai sake, but the balance between the umami of the rice and the mellow aroma is exquisite. The balance between the delicious rice flavor and mellow aroma is exquisite. I would like to make it my everyday sake. Tonight, I would like to drink it with fried eringi mushrooms with butter.
KikoriIt's been a while since I drank Mikotsuru, but it's so good! It's junmai (pure rice), but it's so full-bodied, you wouldn't even know it was junmai ginjo. It was delicious cold.
ShinI guess it's a fruity type, I've had it a few times and it tastes better every time. I don't see it in liquor stores very often, maybe it's a production issue?
Mikotsuru純米吟醸 諏訪美山錦 無濾過生原酒
やっさん0017The taster at the store? Recommended by the taster! Moderate aroma When you drink it, you can feel the gas sweetness and umami from the gasiness with a pleasant aftertaste A feeling of happiness. Oh my goodness! I'm already hungry! Kotani 2,041 yen