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雪だるまYuki Daruma

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This year's ⛄️ is too much about orioles. Maybe there is too much oriki. The fact that this year's sake is made with a traditional sake yeast yeast yeast The taste has more depth, mildness, and complexity. My personal taste 70/100 [Sweetness/Spiciness] Sweet ☆☆☆☆★☆☆☆☆☆☆ Dry Appearance. [hue]. Cloudy white Aroma Slightly weak Ginjo aroma x Ingredient aroma ◯ Yogurt, fresh cheese, calpis Aged aroma Other [Examples] Mild ginjo aroma and raw material aroma are the main ingredients. Taste [Attack] Slightly strong [Texture] Good sharpness Creamy Fine texture of foam [Taste] Sweetness △ Smooth Acidity △ Fresh Bitterness Full flavor [Complexity] Medium [Hints of incense] Slightly weak Same as Kamitachiko [Lingering] Medium ≪Characteristic Elements ≪[Notes. [Classification by flavor characteristics] Sake with fragrance Sake with freshness △ Mellow sake △ Mature sake
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I found it at Hasegawa Tokyo Station store and couldn't resist buying it. I didn't drink it last year, so this is my first snowball in two years. I started with the supernatant. The aroma is faintly sweet with a pleasant degree of sweetness. The taste is fluffy like tofu or albacore, and the sweetness is a bit like that of a traditional sake, with a slight carbonation following afterwards. The sake has a nice sharpness, so it is not difficult to drink, and in a sense, it is a dangerous sake that is easy to drink. Next, the nigori is mixed with the sake. When nigori is mixed in, the carbonation becomes stronger and the body becomes middle. This one has a heavier body and is strong enough to stand up to strong flavored food.
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There was a sizzling sound when the bottle was opened. The top aroma is citrusy and lemon-like. When it is sipped, it is very sour and quickly turns crisp and clean. The overtone aroma is also citrusy. It is the most sour one I have ever tasted, and it may be because it was aged for 2023.11, but it is delicious. The sourness is addictive. It seems to be better with food than on its own. Paired well with salmon meuniere and saltines. I would like to try a freshly shipped snowball. I also tried it lukewarm, but it was firmly sour. It's delicious. My favorite! Domaine Sakura Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio: 50% for koji rice, 60% for kake rice Alcohol 13%.
Good evening, Ryuji #2 😃. We also had to stir it with chopsticks 😅 even if it tastes sour, it's still delicious 😋 or too sweet if you drink it fresh 😄.
Good evening Jay & Nobby, I bought this at my usual liquor store ☺️ and was about to drink it when I saw that it was 2023.11❗️ oli was mixed in but it was sour and I read your review that it was sweet, so I thought, "What? I'm not sure what to expect... Sake is a mystery 😆.
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Nigori (nigori) sake, which means it was left to steep! It has a fruity taste like apples and pears. Although it is sweet, the aftertaste is not heavy, and it is delicious with a smooth texture! The person I went with said it was too sweet, but it was not too sweet, but slightly sweet 🍶.

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