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3734 Akitsuchō Mitsu, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima
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Fukucho八反草 初しぼり純米生酒
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Happy New Year to all of you at Sakewa! I will continue at my own pace this year 🙂. I opened the fridge and thought a bit about what to have for my first bottle of the new year 😅that was an unnecessary thought 😅I'll have a good drink that's easy to drink without thinking about this and that 😘. Pouring it into a sake cup, it is colorless and transparent. The aroma is not at all unpleasant and has a faint scent of pollen 😊. Soft and gentle acidity in the mouth. After that, the taste is like a mixture of melon and ramune, and the sweetness spreads from the center of the tongue to the back of the throat. Then the bitterness bounces back from the back of the tongue to the middle of the tongue 😚. It's juicy and fresh all the way through. It's so dusty😍.
Happy New Year, Yasuo Mori 🎍. I look forward to working with you again this year 🙇. It's bliss to be able to relax with a glass of delicious sake ✨. Let's enjoy a more fulfilling sake life this year 😊.
Happy New Year to you, ma-ki🎍. It's nice to meet you too 🙇. Yes 😊Let's enjoy drinking together ☺️
Happy New Year, Yasuo Mori 🌅. I'm going to drink a bottle of wine that I think is delicious at the beginning of the year 😌 without any elbow grease! It's something good 🤗. Please keep up the good work this year: 🙇🏻🙇🏻‍♀️
Happy New Year, Jay & Nobby 🌄. I seem to have lost my obsession lately. I don't think my poor feedback is very helpful, I hope you have a great year too 🙇.
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It's like a breath in the mouth before meeting a gentle sweetness. The overall tone is gentle sweetness. The sweetness came to the fore when it was warmed up. There is less of a three-dimensional intersection with umami, which I had expected. Or perhaps it is wrong to expect that from a sake made from flat polished rice.
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I'm not much of a dry wine drinker, but it's not hard to drink, and it's juicy and delicious. Probably not easy to buy for yourself, so I think this kind of thing will be a new discovery at the store. ★★★★
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2024 1220 ☆☆☆☆ Fukucho Sake for men in Shinbashi Junmai Sake Dry Rice polishing ratio 60% 65 Imada Shuzo Honten Akitsu-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture

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