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Gekkyu Flavor Chart

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It is a travel wine! Easy to drink ^_^ Although it is a summer sake, it is mild and not too sour. It is a summer sake, but it is mild and not too acidic.
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147th bottle It looks like a well-balanced and easy-drinking junmai ginjo, but it may be a little too ordinary.
Gekkyu冬季限定 しぼりたて 純米 無濾過生原酒
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I've never seen this drink in this restaurant. The first sip is light for a moment. From the second sip, the umami has a surprisingly robust and thick flavor. It is juicy with fresh acidity. It also has a fruity flavor like apples and pears. Orihara Shoten
そば処 三笠
It may be a house sake, but it's not bad for the cost, as it costs 600 yen per sake cup to drink at a restaurant. I wouldn't buy it to drink, but I think it is a sake that goes well with winter nabe (hot pot).
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Scoring: ☆☆☆☆ Among the Fukushima sake to be reckoned with, I've been wanting to try this Nagurayama. It is a Junmai sake from Tsukiyumi 🍶. At room temperature. Mild aroma with a hint of rice 🌾. (Pregnant women might get a little queasy 💦 or maybe pregnant women don't drink 🤣) Soft sweetness and sourness. The rice flavor gently disappears in the mouth. Sweet but beautiful umami. ❣️ On a different note, Hirotogawa's December ranking. Oh no 😱💦. Down from the low 40's to 61st place icky ⤵️😭 This is the only way to put it on nigori‼️ And then, just as quickly, an incoming installment 💕 And then, two hours later, a replenishment installment 😱. Oh no, I might not be able to buy it! I finished work and went to buy it first 🏃‍♂️³₃ I found it! I wondered if I should use a bottle, but like last year, the cap is gas-tight. I personally don't like the gas-guzzling cap, because it loses its schwash in the second half of the bottle. So I bought two four-pack bottles 🤭🍶🍶. Let's all review a lot this month: ‼️ Aim for top 40 ranking at the beginning of the year🎊㊗️✨😆😆
Good evening, T.KISO 🌙 I got it today 😳‼️ but it was sold out of all the bottles except for nigori 😢The Kansai region is also very popular 💦.
Good evening, T.KISO 🌃😀 😀 I'm going to go to Hiroto River tomorrow to patrol 👮🚓🚨 for nigori. I don't have the social media up yet, but it should be in the store 😚🙏 I hope to get it this year 🥳.
Good evening, Mr. T.KISO 🌛A battle for Hirotogawa nigori has broken out in Kansai as well 💦I'm sharing information so that you don't miss out 💦Sakegawa is very popular in Kansai 😳I have a feeling the ranking of Hirotogawa will explode from now on🤩.
Good evening, Pon😄. I know 😭The ranking has dropped too much😱. Except for the nigori❓ That's not a sight you see very often😅. Anyway, congratulations on getting nigori safely 🎉!
Maechen, good evening😄. I hope your patrol 👮🚨🚓💨 will be able to capture it safely(-person-). If you capture it, give me a review by the end of this month 😉.
Good evening, Nemuchi😄. I know it's a battle 💦. I hope you all get it safely 🙏 with your fellow Sake-no-wa friends. But rumor has it that this year's production is quite large👍.
Hi T.KISO 😃 I couldn't stop pounding my heart 😰 with all the information around me about getting it, but I got it successfully today 🤗It can't be that low 🤔.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. We are glad you got it safely ❣️ Please help us improve our ranking by reviewing us all 🎶.
Hi T.KISO 😃I was told at the liquor store I often go to that there are not many in stock this year, so I was very nervous to buy. I was informed that the labels and machines are now available, but they don't make a few 😭Buying two bottles is the right thing to do✨.
Good morning, Wakata. ☀️ It looks like a small amount per shipment, but I've heard it will be split into multiple shipments 👂. Depending on the liquor store, it looks like there will be 2 or 3 more shipments before the end of the year 😁 there is still a chance 💕.
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Suzuna (會津喜多方らーめん 愛絆)
Junmai Ginjo🍶Summer only sake 😆. Sweet and thick 😳. It's like coarse 😅. When you take your time to sip it, it softens a bit and has a dry melon aftertaste. Softened by Aizu's specialty, squid and carrots. The final dish is a chilled shoyu sauce, which is unique to summer. But it is rather refreshing. The soup is delicious. But I wonder if it's a change 🤔. Aizu Kitakata Ramen Aizuna @ Jujo 20230801
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I used to buy them at an antenna store in Fukushima. It is a favorite place to buy Madooru and Musha Sembei, but it also has a wide selection of sake and I never get tired of coming here 😌. When I opened the bottle and poured it, the aroma was fruity and mellow, like grapes. The mouthfeel is light, but soon after, the round and full flavor of junmai (junmai rice) spreads through your mouth. The sake itself is smooth and silky, but the taste and texture are more on the rich side. There is a slight sweetness in the umami acidity, and the slightly milky overtone of the aroma reminds me personally of yogurt ✨. The little bit of Tsurugajo castle that can be seen in the background is one of the high points of this bottle, in my opinion. I think I'll buy sake made by my relatives once in a while!

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