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Shirataki Flavor Chart
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Shiratakiはちみつ由来酵母 jozen純米酒
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Junmai sake with honey derived yeast. I can't consider the taste at all anymore, so I bought it to try it out. And it is properly sake. As a result, the alcohol content is quite low and the taste is sweet, so you can drink it like a juice 🙄. It was a dangerous sake. If you're not used to sake, I highly recommend 💁‍♂️✨
Shiratakiくらんしょ 純米吟醸 無濾過 生原酒
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At the end of the workday, I get a call that it's arrived by cool delivery! Soaring, I went home, took a bath, and opened the bottle! The sweet aroma spreads. When you take a sip, a moderate sweetness comes first, followed by a slight bitterness, a feeling of dust in the bottom, and a tropical fruit-like aroma that lingers for a while! It is delicious, and since it has a long aftertaste, I wanted to pair it with something light and refreshing, so I served it with chicken breast, yuzu pepper, and boiled radish as a side dish, and it went down a treat!
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Yamashin (地酒Bar 山新)
For my third drink, I requested something only available here, which was Shirataki in my hometown of Yuzawa (famous for Kozen Nyosui). It was a sake called Black Country, a test brew with unknown specs. I was not sure if they make this kind of sake, since I have a strong image of Kouzen Nyosui. I was surprised to learn that they make such a sake! I was surprised. This restaurant also serves excellent snacks. Herring pickled in sansho (Japanese pepper) and kanpachi (yellowtail).
Shiratakiキウイ由来酵母 by Jozen純米
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Sweet and sour, cold and room temperature 311110 Tastes like fruit juice You might be careless and drink too much Sake from the Kamizenjosui brewery
Shiratakiロック酒by Jozen 純米
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My daughter, who loves penguins, is coming over, so I bought her a sake with a picture of Benguins as a pun (lol). It said to drink it on the rocks, so I did. It was fruity, easy to drink, and went down so fast it was dangerous! The alcohol content is about 11 degrees. The alcohol content is about 11%, and it is easy to drink, as one would expect from the Shirataki Shuzo brewery of Kozen Nyosui.
I used to drink it like a fool when I was in my twenties. As the name suggests, Jungin drinks like water, recommended for sake beginners, but be careful not to drink too much.
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Clear and transparent on the outside, with sweet aroma of red flowers and fruits, strawberries and ripe rice. The first impression in the mouth is like water with some alcohol and a drop or two of kiwi fruit juice concentrate. The texture is soft and smooth, sweet but not greasy, with a slight acidity, and the pure rice sake flavor that appears in the middle and end will be interesting, and the finish is clean and short. For those who have never tried Japanese sake before and want to stop at the beginning, you can try it. The overall taste is light and lovely, with a nice sweet and sour taste.

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