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Hanahatoスパークリング はな*ハート
たっつうSake on the right in the photo. Hana-hato has a strong image of kijo sake, but this is its sparkling version. It has a sweet aroma and is completely a dessert sake with a stronger sweetness than the Sazanami we drank yesterday, but I think the carbonation makes it easier to drink. 🙆‍♂️ It has a low alcohol content of 10 degrees.
Hanahatoにごり酒 貴醸酒ブレンド 活性生
けいけいI buy sweet nigori sake again, even though I think that Sanyotsuru and Kamotsuru are not suitable for me. It is generally easy to drink, with a lingering sweetness plus a pleasant acidity, probably due to the addition of kijoshu when included. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I bought it at Fresta.
Hanahato初しぼり 純米吟醸生原酒
tomyIt had been a while since I had tasted the first sake from Kochi, which surprised me with its gorgeousness, and I found that a local liquor store was selling it. So I decided to try another sake that I had never bought before. The aroma is mild, but the taste is mellow, and this is a good sake. Since it is an unfiltered, unfiltered, unfiltered sake from the first pressing, it is usually drunk chilled, but it was also good lukewarm. Sake from a solid brewery can be drunk at room temperature or warmed up. 1540 including tax
Hanahato生酛 華鳩 お燗酒純米生酛
木村武史Slightly yellowish in color. After drinking at room temperature, one can sense its maturity. When heated, it has a slightly bitter, mature taste. Sake with a strong flavor. It has a strong flavor, which becomes addictive when warmed up. No unpleasant alcohol taste even when warmed up. I want to drink it again.
Hanahato大累醸 氷室貯蔵貴醸酒古酒
酔生夢死Enoki Sake Brewery Association, Launch Launched to Commemorate 120 Years in Business Kijo-zake" is Japanese sake brewed with sake instead of brewing water Kijoshu Ruijozo" is a sake brewed with kijoshu instead of sake. In 2005, "Daikanjo" started using Junmai Daiginjo instead of brewing water and polishing the raw material rice "Yamada-Nishiki" to 50% of Daiginjo level to make the finest Kijo-zake. In 2007, the superb kijoshu was used instead of brewing water, and 50% polished Omachi rice was used as the raw material for a special brew. Since 2007, it has been matured in a refrigerator. The raw material rice is 100% Omachi from Hiroshima Prefecture, and instead of water, it is a kijoshu (100% Yamadanishiki from Yoshikawa Town, Hyogo Prefecture). 50% polished rice, 17% alcohol by volume, Sake degree -49, acidity 3.8 It's been a long time since I've been impressed with sake.
superbebeShippo Maru (2) First time to drink Hana Hato. They say matured sake is famous Calm aroma Color is a little yellow, but the taste is not too strong Mellow taste with a sense of maturity Slight sweetness Full-bodied aftertaste I went to a couple of liquor stores in Hiroshima. I wanted to see if they had Kinjaku 😉. Finally found it at the Yamatoya Shuho Hu-machi main store! Premium Kinjaku😆😆😆. 30,000 yen a bottle 💰💰. Too expensive to buy😅. I also visited a sake brewery in Saijo 🚋. Thanks for all the information Sake no wa everyone, as a foreigner I wouldn't have known about this place 😃. And of course visited the A-Bomb Dome Praying for world peace. But I don't think that's possible,, Russian invasion Massive Israeli attacks by Palestinians I have seen many horrific and unpleasant reports on the internet And then there is the Taiwan Strait crisis,,
misamisaoHello. I also visited Yamatoya Sake Brewery on my trip to Hiroshima and they have a great selection of local sake from Hiroshima and other areas ☺️ Saijo is just a sake festival, right? It's fun to see all the sake breweries in that area ✨.
superbebeGood evening, misamisao🍦. There are many liquor stores in that area. The Ishikawa Sake Shop in the basement of Mitsukoshi not only carries Hiroshima Kamerei, but also Shinshu Kamerei❣. The liquor store at nearby Edion is also great! Super convenient!
superbebeLooks like there was a big sake festival in Saijo last weekend! Too bad I went last month😆.
misamisaoI see that Mitsukoshi carries Shinshu Kamerei! Thank you for the tip 😊I'll be sure to stop by Mitsukoshi and Edion on my next trip ✨I see you went to Saijo last month. Too bad your timing wasn't right 💦.
superbebeThere is mail order 😁.