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Otemachi Financial City (大手町フィナンシャルシティ)

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At Young Dawn 2023 AUTUMN. This tasting event brought together young brewers from 46 breweries in 28 prefectures who will lead the sake industry in the future! 28/28 Urasato Junmai Ginjo. The last sake was Urasato Junmai Gin, a good sake with a firm sweetness and umami, which would be versatile from mid-meal to the end of the meal!
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At Young Dawn 2023 AUTUMN. This tasting event brought together young brewers from 46 breweries in 28 prefectures who will lead the sake industry in the future! 25/28 TANIZUMI Special Junmai Hiyoshi Oroshi. The mellow mouthfeel and the umami flavor on top of that is a perfect example of hiyaoroshi, and it is delicious!
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At the Dawn of the Young. I drank a green Tanuki at a previous event in Yokohama. This one is a different color and orange flavor. The first time I drank the green Tanuki (not the same as cup noodles?) I was surprised at how tasty it was, so this orange one was a bit more familiar to me. The green one tasted better, but this one was also tasty and refreshing, not unpleasantly sour.
Hiraizumi飛囀 鵠 Type C純米吟醸山廃原酒生詰酒
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At Young Dawn 2023 AUTUMN. This tasting event brought together young brewers from 46 breweries in 28 prefectures who will lead the sake industry in the future! 20/28 Hiraizumi Hiten Hugucho Type C. The sweet and sour sourness from the white malted rice brewing is mellowed out and delicious!
abeREGULUS 直汲み
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At Young Dawn 2023 AUTUMN. This tasting event brought together young brewers from 46 breweries in 28 prefectures who will lead the sake industry in the future! 18/28 Abe REGULUS Direct Kumi. The limited sake served at the Abe booth was a directly pumped version of this sake. It is made with white malted rice and is delicious with its harmony of sourness, sweetness, and rich rice flavor!
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At Young Dawn 2023 AUTUMN. This tasting event brought together young brewers from 46 breweries in 28 prefectures who will lead the sake industry in the future! 17/28 Pukupuku Brewing Pukupuku Brewing's Junmai Sake Ten no Tsubu 92 Autumn Agari ver. Brewed by Pukupuku Brewery, a phantom brewery that brews at various breweries across the country without brewing facilities, this sake was brewed at Tenryo Haiyoshi Brewery. The rice is polished to 92% by coin-operated milling and served lukewarm. It has an exquisite taste with a full-bodied umami and a sharp acidity!