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KoeigikuHello! KOUEIGIKU 無濾過生原酒 愛山原酒生酒無濾過
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<Slightly bitter, slightly sweet. The aroma is fruity with a slight lychee-like flavor centered on the umami. This is a definite winner from the aroma alone. When you put it in your mouth, the first thing you notice is a slight carbonation. After that, a pleasant bitterness spreads slowly with a faint sweetness, sourness, and umami. There are various types of bitterness in sake, and I think it is a very important element, but I think this is the pinnacle of delicious bitterness. If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like Umi-chan's father in "From Up on Poppy Hill". He's the father in her memories. He's cool and kind, but his memories are always accompanied by the bitter taste of loneliness. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ . I have a blog. If you like, please come from the link in the profile column.
女城主純米吟醸 益々繁盛純米吟醸
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<Toro Umami Alcohol It is the sake which I visited the shop on the New Year. It's shiny gold and looks like a good omen. It's served at room temperature. The reason is that it's a huge 4.5 liter bottle, too big to fit in the fridge. Anyway, we're grateful for the sake. The aroma is lactic acid and a pleasant alcohol feeling. It may be because it's at room temperature, but it's mild on the palate. It has a faint sweetness, and then the umami comes in. In the latter half of the bottle, there is a lot of alcohol. In a good way, it has the taste of old-fashioned regular sake. I think this is best served at room temperature or lukewarm. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I'd say it's like Setsu Oiwa from "Marnie's Memories". She is the woman who lives in the house where Anna spends her summer holidays. She is a warm and generous person. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you like, please come from the link in the profile column.
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<Shuwa-umai Low-Alcohol Daiginjo The aroma is faintly full of umami. The mouthfeel is softly carbonated with a gentle umami taste. It has almost no sweetness or sourness, and it is low in alcohol. However, it is not lacking at all. It's delicious. Looking at the bottle, it was bottled in January 2019 and shipped in November 2020. That's almost two years of aging. The flavor is definitely on board. But other than that, it doesn't feel aged, more like it's fresh. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Asako Tsukishima from "Mimi wo Sumemeba". She is the mother of the main character, Shizuku, and is in her forties and is attending graduate school, so she looks fresh even though she has a daughter in college. In the original, she is a housewife, but in the Ghibli version, she is a graduate student. I guess this change was made to emphasize the movie's theme of "living honestly with what you want to do". Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you'd like to check it out, please click on the link in my profile.
Hououbiden初しぼり無濾過本生 純米吟醸酒純米吟醸生酒無濾過
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<This is what Hououmida is all about, sweet and fruity. The aroma is modestly fruity with lychee and peach. The mouthfeel is sweet and mild with banana, lychee and rice. While it recedes nicely, the overtones pass through to the nose, and while retaining the sweetness, a slight umami taste and a faint bitterness also appear. After all, Hououmida is delicious. I love Hououmida, but I couldn't find much of it last year. I drank a lot of Hououmida fruit wine last year. I want to drink more this year! If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Clarice from "Cagliostro's Castle". A beautiful and innocent princess. But deep inside, there's a little bit of the core strength she acquired by meeting Lupin, and the bitterness of the dark history of the Grand Dukes and Counts of Cagliostro. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you like, please come from the link in my profile section.
大黒正宗吟醸しぼりたて 兵庫夢錦長期熟成吟醸古酒
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<"The sweetness of maturity. This is a comparison of Daikoku Masamune, the same specs as the new sake. The color is slightly yellow. That's because the sugar content was so high, so it must have turned yellow. The aroma is also completely different. It still retains the high-quality alcohol and mint, but the caramel-like sweetness and bitterness come to the fore. It seems to have aged well. In the mouth, the sweetness of the sanonto sugar has swelled further, and the raw bitterness has changed to an aged bitterness. The aroma has also changed from youthful liveliness to maturity, but the high alcohol feeling is the same in the nose. It is certainly the same as new sake. But the character is completely different. Interesting! And delicious! If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like Porco in the ending of "The Red Pig". Porco doesn't appear in the ending, so it's just my imagination. In a word, he is a bad old man. He became human again and got married to Gina, but he still flies around here and there and is cackled at by girls. Even when Fio offers to build him a new flying boat, he says, "I like this guy," and stubbornly flies his old Savoia. And Gina is disgusted with me. Oh, I want to be such a bad old man. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆
大黒正宗吟醸しぼりたて 兵庫夢錦吟醸
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<"I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I had a chance to compare Daikoku Masamune. One was a new sake and the other was a 5 year old sake with exactly the same specifications. That alone was interesting, but we were also treated to a cool snack of kasuzu soup made with Daikokumasamune's sake lees. Let's try the new sake first. It is transparent in color. The aroma has a minty freshness with fine alcohol. When you put it in your mouth, it has a refined but firm sweetness like sanonto sugar, a semedyne taste, and a bitter taste of bamboo grass. The sweetness recedes in the latter half, but the bitterness continues until the end, and the aroma spreads to the nose. This high alcohol feeling of 18 degrees feels good! It's delicious! I don't see it mentioned anywhere, but it's a bit raw. But if I were to age it for a long time, I would want to fire it up. If it is fire-aged, the technique must be high. I couldn't judge it with my tongue. If I compare it with Ghibli, it is the human Porco who appears in Fio's eyes for a moment on the night before the battle with Curtis in "The Red Pig". He's an old man, but surprisingly, he's sweet and austere, a good man. Isn't he a bit thinner than the pig? Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you're interested, please visit the link in my profile.
Oze no Yukidoke純米大吟醸 うすにごり純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒
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<It's like a blind date in your early 20s. The color is a beautiful light nigori. The aroma is the sweet and sour taste of alcohol and lactic acid. When you put it in your mouth, it has a refreshing sweetness and a sourness like a lactic acid drink with a hint of nostalgia. After that, the alcohol leaves the nose. For a 15 degree alcohol, you can feel the alcohol quite well. It has a clear assertiveness. But it is delicious. But it is a little dangerous. This sweet and sour taste is not Ghibli. If I were to use an analogy, it would be a blind date in your early twenties. A sweet and sour feeling that swells the chest with ulterior motives. Wow, this girl is cute! She's so cute! Then, I thought we could go out tonight. Then, you drink too much and sink! It's a sweet and sour feeling like the memory of By the way, when you are in your 40's, you don't make such mistakes anymore. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you're interested, please visit the link in my profile.
Koeigikuスノウ・クレッセント 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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<Sweet and bitter, shuwa-pichi. It is a new sake of Kouyougiku. This is the second term since the revival launch of the brewery. I drank Snow Crescent the other day, but is there a difference? The color is lightly muddy. There's a big chunk of lees floating around. The aroma is green apple, leaves and alcohol. The mouthfeel is gassy and swirly, followed by a fruity sweetness, sourness, and bitterness. Maybe it's because it's the first day it's been opened, but it's got an intense zing to it! To be honest, I'm not sure what the difference is between this and the 2019BY. But it's still delicious, isn't it? The bottle has changed from clear to green, the alcohol content has changed from 13 to 14%, and the rice has changed from no description to 100% Yamada Nishiki. If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like the main character Umi-chan in "From Up on Poppy Hill". She is young and full of life, but she also knows the sadness of not having a father and the bitterness of having a mother who is studying abroad. And she's really strong. He's cute. The metaphor is different from the one I used when I drank the other day, but it's just an image that came to mind at the time, so it happens all the time. Satisfaction: ★★★★
Kokuryu垂れ口 生酒本醸造生酒槽しぼり
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<"Ao ama bien. The aroma is fruity muscat, pleasant alcohol, and a buzz of lush nuttiness. When you put it in your mouth, the unexpected sweet bitterness hits you hard! A sweetness that seems to be extremely high in sugar, a refreshing bitterness like a conifer or mint, and a fruity acidity. The sweetness seems to be very high in sugar, the bitterness is fresh like conifer or mint, and the acidity is fruity. And you find yourself unable to see them. I looked it up and found the specs on the official website. The sake degree is minus 7, which is really quite different from the regular Kuroryu, which has a sake degree of +3 to +5.5 and is very light. If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like the woman who calls out to Porco "Let me tell you a story" in the first scene of "The Red Pig" at Hotel Adriano. In a way, I think she is the sexiest person in all of Ghibli's films. She is raw and sexy. She enjoys sex lightly and cheerfully, and doesn't care if she's rejected, but she's also hoping for the best. Actually, Gina and Fio both care that Porco is a pig, but he doesn't care at all and accepts Porco's coolness. Satisfaction: ★★★★* I have a blog. If you'd like, please visit the link in my profile section.
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<Sweet, spicy, spicy, brewed alcohol. The classic appearance of a regular sake is very good. Of course it is an Alsoe. It doesn't even have a name, let alone the rice and the brewing, a specific name or "top-sen". It should not cost 2,000 yen for a bottle, but it was sold on the net for 8,800 yen. According to the label of the Katsukoma Junmai I received the other day, there are only five people who make it. That's not possible for mass production. I was extremely lucky to be able to drink it. Thank you very much. The taste is mildly sweet. Moderate sourness. In the second half, the brewed alcohol comes through pleasantly on the nose. It is a good everyday drink that does not interfere with meals. You can drink as much as you like. I would like to drink it with sashimi of winter yellowtail from Toyama with fat. It is delicious. If I were to compare him to Ghibli, he is Kouroku from Princess Mononoke. He is an old man who was saved by Ashitaka. He's not particularly good at anything, he's just a bit of a clumsy, but he's an ordinary guy that you can't hate. But he's a nice guy. The best thing about Kouroku is that he got Toki-san as his wife. She's the nicest woman in Princess Mononoke. Well, she's completely fucked up, though. Satisfaction: ★★★★
Manrei冬の酒 全量山田錦純米
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<Warmed sake with beautiful acidity. It is served cold at first. The mouthfeel is lactic acidity and a hint of sweetness. A nice alcoholic taste in the second half of the drink comes off the nose. It's a beautiful sake. Since it's meant to be warmed, I only drank a third of it cold and had the rest warmed up. Then the umami opens up! When you put your nose close to it, there is not much of an aroma, but when you inhale it just before drinking it, the happy aroma of alcohol, which is typical of warmed wine, spreads in your mouth. Then, as it enters the mouth, the umami is blown away with the sourness. The last half of the bottle is a clean cut. But the acidic aftertaste remains softly. I left it to cool down from about 50 degrees, but the hotter it was, the more appealing it was. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say Mrs. Kurokawa from "Kaze Tachinu". The image of a Japanese kimono beauty is perfect for this drink. And a very nice person. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.
Bentenべんてん 山羽根 純米吟醸 ひやおろし純米吟醸ひやおろし
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<It's a gentle, slow burn. The aroma is slightly sweet and fruity. In the mouth, it has a soft sweetness. It has a beautiful sweetness that is typical of sake from Yamagata. Then, the flavor and bitterness spreads slowly and steadily. It's a good hiyaoroshi. If I were to compare her to Ghibli, she's the mother in My Neighbor Totoro. She sounds like a kind mother, but when she hears that her new house is haunted, she says, "I can't wait to get out of the hospital and meet the ghosts," which shows her happy nature. It's also good to hear her say, "When I get out of the hospital, I'm going to make those kids so selfish this time. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.
Koeigikuスノウ・クレッセント 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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schizophrenic sweetness Koei-Kiku Drinking Comparison, followed by Snow Crescent. Yellowish-white in colour, with lots of visible lees. The aroma is fresh and sour. It has a refreshing sour apple taste and a sweetness in the mouth. It has a pleasant bitterness. The gasiness is stronger than the Snow Crystal, but that has to do with the time since it was opened, so there's no comparison. On the palate, this one has more sweetness. It also has a different bitterness at the end. This is the Crescent that I prefer. If you like it clean, I recommend the Crystal. Well, they're both delicious. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be the white kittens of Gigi and Lily from "Witch's Delivery Service" that appear in the ending of the film. There are three kittens in a row that look just like their mother. They look sleepy. They look like their mother and are a little bit twisted, but they still seem to be a spoiled child. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.
Koeigikuスノウ・クリスタル 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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A little sweet with an apple sour taste. Also, we were able to compare drinks of koukaikiku by Nakagawa Misasa, a confectioner. I'm so happy! This time it's Snow Crescent and Snow Crystal. They were brewed the same way, with Crescent being lightly muddy and Crystal being clear. This was an interesting drinking comparison. We tasted a little bit of both, and we'll start with the Snow Crescent. The color is quite yellowish. The wine is clear with no lees. The aroma is apple and citrus fruits. In the mouth, it has a refreshing apple sourness and a slight sweetness, and a slight bitterness at the end. Because it is a 13% low alcohol unpasteurized sake, you can hardly feel any alcohol, but it has a strong taste. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be Yaeko's sister in "Omohide Pororo Pororo". She was a sophomore in high school when Taeko was in 5th grade and doesn't appear in the story after she became an adult. Her character has a lot of twang, but that's probably because she's in Taeko's point of view. She seems to be cute and smart in general. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.
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Lightly sweet and bitter The nose has a slight sweetness to it, mainly alcohol. It comes in quickly on the palate with a light sweetness, and once it's gone, a light bitterness appears and disappears. The sweetness and bitterness are both light but firm. A (Ace) seems to be the A in "Akitabare Another Advance". There are several kinds of A's, but I heard that this is a limited edition of only 60 bottles made by a wine supplier in Osaka. I'm a little happy about the rarity, but the chances of finding it again seem slim. If I were to compare her to Ghibli, she would be the fifth grade Taeko from "Omoide Pororo Pororo". She's just a normal cute girl, but she's also a bit shy. Speaking of "Ace", she is One Piece, Ultraman, Dangard, Nerae, or Diamond, but as expected, none of them are too different from the image of this drink. Satisfaction Level: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.
町田酒造@酒商山田 番外編PartⅡ スラッガー純米
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This is a limited edition product from a Hiroshima-based brewery, Shusho Yamada. It's the same as the Katakana Machida we drank the other day, but the specs are not available to the public. But I'm sure there's no doubt about it because it was made by Machida Shuzo. I'm looking forward to it. I like the blue freshness of the scent. It's already a definite winner. In the mouth, it's sweet and slightly bitter with syrup and pears. Surprisingly, I don't detect much acidity. And the complex pear-like aroma is wonderful. It reminds me of the 14th generation. It was good on its own, but on the recommendation of the lady at the restaurant, I squeezed a little bit of sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit) and it was amazing! A little bit of sourness is added to make it much more complex. The fact that it's sudachi is also exquisite. It's not lemon, and even lime is too strong. It's just right. If I were to compare Chihiro to Ghibli, he would be like Chihiro in "Spirited Away". In the beginning, he was a grouchy, spoiled child, but with the help of various people, he grows up to be very attractive. Satisfaction: ★★★★ -> (after sudoku) ★★★★☆ .
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Gentle sweet-sweet-sweet-smelling Kōei-Kiku's drinking comparison, next is Gekkei. The aroma is slightly banana. In the mouth, it has a lactic acidity and sweetness of cream, with a pleasant bitterness. The taste is not strong but clear. It's not strong, but it has a clear taste, and it has a spicy fizziness. The aroma that goes through the nose is wonderful. It is different from the "Ikubou" that I saw earlier, and the hint of aroma is very attractive. Both of them are delicious. If I were to compare her to Ghibli, it would be Nahoko from Kaze Tachinu. When I compared her to a snow camellia before, I paid attention to the fragility of Nahoko's work. But this time, it's not just that, it's the intensity of her emotions. She knows that the man she's in love with is only interested in beautiful things, and she has the strength of feeling that she doesn't dare to show him her deathbed. I want to believe that in his short life, he at least got the maximum amount of happiness. Satisfaction: ★★★★ .
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Nakakawamisasan, who compared Kikutaka and Koeijiku before, was able to drink Koeijiku. I'm so happy! This time we have "Ikubou" and "Moonlight". First of all, I'll have it from "Ikubou". As soon as you put it in your mouth, you're greeted with a strong impact of honey, muscat sweetness and acidity, and a subdued bitterness. But it quickly recedes and melts away, leaving only a happy lingering taste. All that's left is a faint hint. Interesting! And it's delicious! 13% alcohol by volume! It's so fucking solid! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Silk from Kaze Tachinu. She was the maid of honor at Nahoko's house, whom Jiro carried on his back to save her at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake. When I first saw the movie, I thought she was the heroine, until halfway through. What she has in common with this drink is that she's a solid, beautiful woman and she's not in the second half of the film. That was the first thing I thought of her. You often see stories about Jiro's first love being Silk, but I think it's different. I don't think it's possible that Jiro, who loves beautiful things and is always chasing after girls with his eyes, wouldn't have his first love until college. It's just that it's not depicted. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ .
Kujira純米 山田錦 秋あがり 一火原酒純米原酒ひやおろし
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The acidity is strong and beautiful. In the mouth, the flavor of the rice spreads around the sourness of the lactic acid and quickly disappears. Last month I drank the same "Kushira Junmai Yamadanishiki" unfiltered pure pure sake, but I felt that this one had a stronger flavor. However, the taste is still very similar. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be the same as last time, Kiki's father from "Witch's Delivery Service". His name is Mr. Okino, and in the original setting, he is a folklorist who studies witches and fairies. And he's married to a witch, which is amazing. He's a good father, kind and strong at heart. Satisfaction Level: ★★★★ .
Amabukiあいらぶすし 中トロ 氷温貯蔵生酒純米吟醸生酒ひやおろし
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smooth-tasting food and drink The taste is mild and mildly sweet and sour, which is typical for an autumn sake. After that, the taste recedes quickly and does not interfere with the meal. In the latter half, the flavor spreads slowly and the gentle scent goes through the nose. It is delicious. This will certainly go well with medium fatty tuna sushi. The fact that it's a bit more refreshing than the "Airabushi Dry Junmai" I had before makes it a perfect match for the richness of the chutoro. If I were to compare her to Ghibli, she would be Serene from "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". She only appears in the original manga version, and is the daughter of a legendary clan of "forest people" who live in the Sea of Rot. She has a very cool and refreshing atmosphere, and her mask is said to have a very nice smell. Incidentally, her brother, Selm, appeared the other day in "Kento Junmai Daiginjo". Satisfaction Level: ★★★★ .