SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
女城主純米吟醸 益々繁盛純米吟醸
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<Toro Umami Alcohol It is the sake which I visited the shop on the New Year. It's shiny gold and looks like a good omen. It's served at room temperature. The reason is that it's a huge 4.5 liter bottle, too big to fit in the fridge. Anyway, we're grateful for the sake. The aroma is lactic acid and a pleasant alcohol feeling. It may be because it's at room temperature, but it's mild on the palate. It has a faint sweetness, and then the umami comes in. In the latter half of the bottle, there is a lot of alcohol. In a good way, it has the taste of old-fashioned regular sake. I think this is best served at room temperature or lukewarm. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I'd say it's like Setsu Oiwa from "Marnie's Memories". She is the woman who lives in the house where Anna spends her summer holidays. She is a warm and generous person. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. If you like, please come from the link in the profile column.