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町田酒造@酒商山田 番外編PartⅡ スラッガー純米
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This is a limited edition product from a Hiroshima-based brewery, Shusho Yamada. It's the same as the Katakana Machida we drank the other day, but the specs are not available to the public. But I'm sure there's no doubt about it because it was made by Machida Shuzo. I'm looking forward to it. I like the blue freshness of the scent. It's already a definite winner. In the mouth, it's sweet and slightly bitter with syrup and pears. Surprisingly, I don't detect much acidity. And the complex pear-like aroma is wonderful. It reminds me of the 14th generation. It was good on its own, but on the recommendation of the lady at the restaurant, I squeezed a little bit of sudachi (Japanese citrus fruit) and it was amazing! A little bit of sourness is added to make it much more complex. The fact that it's sudachi is also exquisite. It's not lemon, and even lime is too strong. It's just right. If I were to compare Chihiro to Ghibli, he would be like Chihiro in "Spirited Away". In the beginning, he was a grouchy, spoiled child, but with the help of various people, he grows up to be very attractive. Satisfaction: ★★★★ -> (after sudoku) ★★★★☆ .