SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
大黒正宗吟醸しぼりたて 兵庫夢錦長期熟成吟醸古酒
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<"The sweetness of maturity. This is a comparison of Daikoku Masamune, the same specs as the new sake. The color is slightly yellow. That's because the sugar content was so high, so it must have turned yellow. The aroma is also completely different. It still retains the high-quality alcohol and mint, but the caramel-like sweetness and bitterness come to the fore. It seems to have aged well. In the mouth, the sweetness of the sanonto sugar has swelled further, and the raw bitterness has changed to an aged bitterness. The aroma has also changed from youthful liveliness to maturity, but the high alcohol feeling is the same in the nose. It is certainly the same as new sake. But the character is completely different. Interesting! And delicious! If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like Porco in the ending of "The Red Pig". Porco doesn't appear in the ending, so it's just my imagination. In a word, he is a bad old man. He became human again and got married to Gina, but he still flies around here and there and is cackled at by girls. Even when Fio offers to build him a new flying boat, he says, "I like this guy," and stubbornly flies his old Savoia. And Gina is disgusted with me. Oh, I want to be such a bad old man. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆