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Nakakawamisasan, who compared Kikutaka and Koeijiku before, was able to drink Koeijiku. I'm so happy! This time we have "Ikubou" and "Moonlight". First of all, I'll have it from "Ikubou". As soon as you put it in your mouth, you're greeted with a strong impact of honey, muscat sweetness and acidity, and a subdued bitterness. But it quickly recedes and melts away, leaving only a happy lingering taste. All that's left is a faint hint. Interesting! And it's delicious! 13% alcohol by volume! It's so fucking solid! If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Silk from Kaze Tachinu. She was the maid of honor at Nahoko's house, whom Jiro carried on his back to save her at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake. When I first saw the movie, I thought she was the heroine, until halfway through. What she has in common with this drink is that she's a solid, beautiful woman and she's not in the second half of the film. That was the first thing I thought of her. You often see stories about Jiro's first love being Silk, but I think it's different. I don't think it's possible that Jiro, who loves beautiful things and is always chasing after girls with his eyes, wouldn't have his first love until college. It's just that it's not depicted. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ .