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Kokuryu垂れ口 生酒本醸造生酒槽しぼり
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<"Ao ama bien. The aroma is fruity muscat, pleasant alcohol, and a buzz of lush nuttiness. When you put it in your mouth, the unexpected sweet bitterness hits you hard! A sweetness that seems to be extremely high in sugar, a refreshing bitterness like a conifer or mint, and a fruity acidity. The sweetness seems to be very high in sugar, the bitterness is fresh like conifer or mint, and the acidity is fruity. And you find yourself unable to see them. I looked it up and found the specs on the official website. The sake degree is minus 7, which is really quite different from the regular Kuroryu, which has a sake degree of +3 to +5.5 and is very light. If you compare it to Ghibli, it's like the woman who calls out to Porco "Let me tell you a story" in the first scene of "The Red Pig" at Hotel Adriano. In a way, I think she is the sexiest person in all of Ghibli's films. She is raw and sexy. She enjoys sex lightly and cheerfully, and doesn't care if she's rejected, but she's also hoping for the best. Actually, Gina and Fio both care that Porco is a pig, but he doesn't care at all and accepts Porco's coolness. Satisfaction: ★★★★* I have a blog. If you'd like, please visit the link in my profile section.