SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Manrei冬の酒 全量山田錦純米
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<Warmed sake with beautiful acidity. It is served cold at first. The mouthfeel is lactic acidity and a hint of sweetness. A nice alcoholic taste in the second half of the drink comes off the nose. It's a beautiful sake. Since it's meant to be warmed, I only drank a third of it cold and had the rest warmed up. Then the umami opens up! When you put your nose close to it, there is not much of an aroma, but when you inhale it just before drinking it, the happy aroma of alcohol, which is typical of warmed wine, spreads in your mouth. Then, as it enters the mouth, the umami is blown away with the sourness. The last half of the bottle is a clean cut. But the acidic aftertaste remains softly. I left it to cool down from about 50 degrees, but the hotter it was, the more appealing it was. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would say Mrs. Kurokawa from "Kaze Tachinu". The image of a Japanese kimono beauty is perfect for this drink. And a very nice person. Satisfaction: ★★★★ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.