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Eh! Water? It is so pale. The aroma is faintly melon. A slight gaseous sensation is tingling. When you drink it, it is faintly sweet, or rather, sweet water. After a while, acidity and mineral bitterness follow one after another. The low alcohol content of 13 degrees Celsius also helps to keep the taste buds happy. When you open it the next day, it is still alive.
TenpoichiStyle 朝顔 純米吟醸
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POP buy. It is made with yeast from rose flowers. The complaint "tropical aroma of mango and pineapple with a focus on banana, tastes like a mixed juice" was well betrayed. As is often the case with sake, is it a matter of management during transportation? It was not nettled, but rather dry! It was a dry hit. The great thing is the sharp aroma that surges like a wave without a pause. I think it would go well with fish liver, but perhaps that is far from the maker's intention. It didn't get sweeter even after a few days, and the aroma and taste were strong, which I couldn't imagine from the jackets. I will come back to it again.
町田酒造特別純米55 限定直接汲み 無濾過 五百万石
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There was no gassy feeling when I opened it but when I drank it, it was very fine and piquant. A little bitter with a hint of citrus. I don't know how to describe it, but it's like the wattage of a mandarin orange. After a day of drinking, the bitterness disappeared and the aroma became sweet and muscat-like. It is a very enjoyable sake that changes rapidly, becoming sweeter and sweeter day by day.
Gikyo侶 生酒 純米吟醸
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Swoosh when opening the bottle. Aroma of melon, pear and a hint of sweetness. Even though it's a pure sake, it's well rounded and mild. It is easy to drink. 3rd day The change in flavor becomes monotonous, and the sake becomes too sweet with too many corners removed. Maybe it is a sake to be drunk as soon as it is opened.
山の壽純米吟醸 雄町 13 なま 2024
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Tingly fizzy, yogurt flavor gradually giving way to muscat notes. The Fanta feeling is super refreshing, not sticky and not sweet, even though it might offend you! I wonder what the "Yamanohisu original" bubble fermentation process is, which carefully traps the bubbles created during the fermentation of the sake all the way through to the bottle? I'm curious.
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It is mild and slightly sweet. As soon as the delicious taste of rice gradually spreads, an alcoholic aroma like that of shochu (distilled spirit) hits the nose. Well, it is a ginjo, but it is not so smooth.
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When opened, it was as luscious as honey, but after two weeks of storage, it had a caramel sweetness with a hint of bitterness and a whisky-like heaviness. But I drank it in a cup, or rather, one cup was enough. It's a smoky one, and you can drink it in small sips.
Kirakucho新酒活性生酒 純米にごり 202311
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The POP says it tastes "fresh, crisp, and bouncy," but I'm not sure. I was like, "What? It was not fizzy at all, and the flavor was too heavy to mix well. It also has a strong alcohol smell, which may be a problem with Seijo-Ishii's management. I would like to drink it again in a different bottle.
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I bought one with brewer's alcohol in it. I was careful to open the bottle, but the schnappiness wasn't there.., It's sweet, high at 19 degrees, and sweet. Not completely to my taste, sorry. Postscript Sorry, I drank it in October 2011 from November 2010. The piquancy is gone, of course, but if you mix the sloppy ooze slowly and drink it, you won't mind the sweetness at all. The acidity was also active and the sake was thick and delicious.
Kitajima美山錦 純米吟醸 おりがらみ生
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The petite, massive amount of bubbles popping when just opened and the sweet and sour taste of lactobacillus is now a squall. But soon I was enchanted by the gorgeous aroma. Although the bubbles are easy to drink and should be able to go on and on, the insistence is strong, so we limit it to one cup. From the next day on, as the gas is released, the aroma stands out even more. Alcohol 17%.
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I didn't really recognize the lychee-like aroma, but it opens up with a gorgeous aroma and a refreshing mouthfeel. The alcohol taste at the end is a bit harsh for me personally. It might be good with strong smelling snacks.