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A limited edition sake with the theme of Yamahai to be enjoyed chilled. Yamahai is characterized by its unique flavor, such as depth of flavor, richness, and maturity, due to the precision of the process. This one stands out for its refreshing acidity and dryness rather than Yamahai. It is also good with ice. This bottle is shipped freshly pressed and designed to be balanced when chilled. You can read that thought on the back label, and it makes you laugh when it describes the summer climate as "ku️⭕️ hot midsummer". Yes, it was k️⭕️ hot this year too. It clearly says it's not suitable for hot sake even though it's Yamahai 😂. Summer is over. If there is a beginning, there is an end. I always try to think of this when a job I'm not good at comes down to me. When there is a beginning, there is an end. The three-day weekend is over, kusun😢.
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. This one looks interesting! Might be perfect for those of us who love dracic acid 😋. It's true that things always have an end 😌, that's why we do our best 💦 and regret 😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby! If you like Draught Acid, I think you'll find Yamahai interesting, chilled and enjoyable. I hate facilitators and presentations at work. So I chant the incantation "If it starts, it ends" before a meeting!