553GRJC1dFAzuma no Fumoto山の形純米吟醸Azumanofumoto Sake BreweryYamagata3/20/2025, 7:03:46 AM3/11/2025台所衆 ヒフミ
553GRJC1dF十水Katokahachiro ShuzoYamagata3/20/2025, 7:02:38 AM3/11/2025台所衆 ヒフミ553GRJC1dF1:12 rice and water mixture at 1:10.Japanese>English
553GRJC1dFAsahitakaTakagi ShuzoYamagata3/20/2025, 6:49:40 AM3/11/2025台所衆 ヒフミ18553GRJC1dFTakagi Shuzo, the same brewery as Jyushiyo. Spicier than JyushiyoJapanese>English
553GRJC1dFJuyondaiTakagi ShuzoYamagata3/13/2025, 1:16:03 AM3/11/2025台所衆 ヒフミ26553GRJC1dFWhen he applied for trademark registration for the 13th, 14th, and 15th generations, only the 14th generation was accepted because he mistakenly thought it was "toshiro" or "toyoshiro".Japanese>English