ペンタTensei朝しぼり 春Kumazawa ShuzoKanagawa2/7/2025, 12:43:39 PM20ペンタUnfiltered and slightly cloudy. Slightly fizzy. It is refreshing for an unfiltered sake.Japanese>English
ペンタダイヤ菊純米吟醸Toda ShuzoNagano1/2/2025, 5:49:55 AM12/31/20249ペンタImmediately after taking a sip, the aroma and taste spread, but the aftertaste is refreshing.Japanese>English
ペンタ高天寒造りKoten ShuzoNagano1/2/2025, 5:47:35 AM1/1/202515ペンタSake for this New Year's Day Dry and LightJapanese>English
ペンタInatahimeInada HontenTottori12/19/2024, 2:10:05 PM12/19/20242ペンタThe mellow aroma spreads, but the aftertaste is refreshing.Japanese>English
ペンタIyokagiyaSeiryo ShuzoEhime10/30/2024, 2:16:18 PM10/30/202417ペンタFifth drink of the day. It is a refreshing type. It was served with takikomi gohan with mackerel.Japanese>English
ペンタSugataIinuma MeijoTochigi10/30/2024, 2:13:40 PM10/30/202418ペンタFourth glass today. They put the raw sake in the bottle and then fire it up. Mellow and delicious!Japanese>English
ペンタGokyoDestinoSakai ShuzoYamaguchi10/30/2024, 2:08:59 PM10/30/202414ペンタSecond drink of the dayJapanese>English
ペンタTanigawadakeNagai ShuzoGunma10/30/2024, 2:07:24 PM10/30/202414ペンタThe first drink of the day! Steady and delicious!Japanese>English
ペンタ桜とんぼ 純米吟醸 愛山Izumibashi ShuzoKanagawa4/26/2024, 11:39:03 AM4/24/2024蔵元佳肴 いづみ橋12ペンタSakura Tonbo 3 kinds of drink comparisonJapanese>English
ペンタ桜とんぼ 純米吟醸 雄町Izumibashi ShuzoKanagawa4/26/2024, 11:36:45 AM4/24/2024蔵元佳肴 いづみ橋10ペンタSakura Tonbo 3 kinds of drink comparisonJapanese>English
ペンタ桜とんぼ 純米吟醸 山田錦Izumibashi ShuzoKanagawa4/26/2024, 11:30:42 AM4/24/2024蔵元佳肴 いづみ橋10ペンタSakura Tonbo 3 kinds of drink comparisonJapanese>English
ペンタ金明Negami ShuzotenShizuoka4/20/2024, 2:59:52 PM4/20/202415ペンタGotemba's local sake It has a smooth taste and a refreshing aftertaste.Japanese>English
ペンタ北の杜Tanizakura ShuzoYamanashi1/6/2024, 11:07:56 AM1/1/202412ペンタJunmai Sake KITANOMORI Dry and refreshingJapanese>English
ペンタ大山寺鉄不動明王Ooyatakashi ShuzoKanagawa11/28/2023, 2:04:53 PM11/25/202314ペンタJunmai Dry and sharp, but with a lot of flavor.Japanese>English