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フモトヰFumotoi (hiragana)

Flavor Chart®

A chart created from flavor analysis of user comments.

Fumotoi (hiragana) Flavor Chart

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祐星 ウラなんば店
Fumotwi Juicy This is the second time. It was sweeter and less acidic than the last time I drank it. The acidity is not so noticeable. It's because the bottle was opened or not so long ago Is it because it is an individual? Characteristic? It's not sweet and sour. It's more like grapefruit with a hint of bitterness. I can't explain it, I don't know enough about it. I'd say the last batch was more popular. Well, I guess every drink deserves a second chance, right?
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Purchased at the Yamagata Antenna Shop in Ginza. Fumotoi's Fumotoi Sake Brewery was severely damaged by the recent torrential rains. It is my favorite sake, but I bought it to support them. I have wanted to drink it for a long time. The ginjo aroma is clean and refreshing, with a hint of alcohol. The color is slightly golden, which is very summery. The taste is light and dry, but it also has a hint of sweetness. I guess it is a characteristic of Dewa Sanzu. It is not too refreshing, but it has a rich feeling. It is the end of August.
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吟醸マグロ 武蔵小杉
Saturday. Returning from an alumni meeting of a club from my school days. At Musashikosugi, a transfer station. I was curious about this restaurant in Sake-no-wa. It was early in the opening, so there were few customers and a lot of new sake. I was allowed to open the first glass of this one. It had a refreshing feeling with a mild acidity and spiciness. But as you drink it, it does not become harsh, but rather softens.
Thanks for the reconnaissance, Beksan. I look forward to seeing you after the bon🍶🍶🍶. An hour will not be enough!
Shinshin SY, I haven't served it yet, but I drank 7 kinds in an hour. I'm looking forward to the end of the tray.

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