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Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 酵母1001 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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The rice used is Yamadanishiki and Shunyo. This is Izumo no Kuni's newest brewery, created (reborn) last year. Naturally, it was the first time for us to visit. The image of sake in this area is that of powerful sake-like sake, all of which are unique. This sake is unique in the sense that it is, but the image has been overturned. It is very fruity and lightly sweet and sour, with a pleasant citrus bitterness spreading from the sweetness and acidity. The mouthfeel is clear and crisp. It is a wonderful bottle as a food sake. ❣️ We will keep an eye on it in the future: ‼️
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Test sake from the brewery that was revived this year🍶. It is said to be the family home of Wish's people, i.e., Keiko Kitagawa's in-laws, so that's something to look forward to. Fruity aroma, very gentle sweetness and sourness. This is a delicious one 😋.
After a few days, the acidity increased a bit. I understood that it was a vanilla-like flavor.
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Izumo tasted Kakeiai sake. It is labeled as a prototype, but the quality is usually high. It was sweet and delicious. If it is this good in the test brewing, I wonder how good the finished product will be.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 1801酵母純米吟醸生酒
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The one I had almost 2 months ago 😂. bouken also posted a review and bought the same one! He said he was looking forward to drinking it 😋... I'm not going to post it today 💦. I've been through a lot, but I'm still a lazy person 😓. It has a fruity aroma and just the right amount of sweetness. But it's more refreshing than the juicy sweetness of today 😋. May feel a little hard 🤔. I know there were other 901's around this time, and now 1001 and 1701 are also on sale. I'll buy those too if I get a chance 😋.
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日本酒処 盛田家
1) Impressions: I don't remember this one either.  Recommendation: /10 2) 1) Individuality: Advantages 2) Points to note: Disadvantages 3) Classification by flavor characteristics: smoked sake, fresh sake, mellow sake, mature sake 3) ◎Appearance Appearance: Tint: ◎Aroma Concreteness: compare to food ◎Taste ∙Taste Specificity: ◎Degree of Sweetness/Sweetness: Sweet, Medium Sweet, Medium Sweet, Medium Sweet, Medium Sweet, Medium Dry, Dry
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 純米吟醸生酒 1001号
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I was so focused on my senpai's story that my memory of the drinks is vague and only notes. Do not rely on it. It was modern, well-balanced and delicious. However, I may not have noticed any "unique" characteristics. I will have to try again 😊.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 酵母1001号純米吟醸生酒
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Personal note Purchase price】 720mL 1870 yen (including tax) How to drink】Cold, before, during or after meals Percentage] Koji rice: 50%, Kake rice: 60% (100% domestic rice) Yeast used] 1001 Sake meter] - [Sake meter] - [Acidity Acidity Amino Acidity Alcohol content] 15.0 Year of manufacture] No description. Appearance: Clear and colorless, no thickening. Taste: ★★★★☆] It has a muscat-like aroma. When you put it in your mouth, the richness and umami of rice come to the fore, followed by a gentle, moderate sweetness. The taste is clear and refreshing (becoming coarser as the temperature rises). Change over time: ★★★☆☆☆] The aroma decreases and the spiciness comes out. Comment] It is refreshing when cold, but tastes good because it is full-bodied. However, it is no good when the temperature rises, as you can feel a tugging sensation. Overall evaluation】★★★★☆
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 純米吟醸 火入れ 18号酵母
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This is a fire-aged version of the test brew of Okuidumo Mae Nishikiya that we drank before. It has a sweetness that is as good as that of the raw sake, but also has a slightly bitter taste and a spicier, more complex flavor.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 PROTOTYPE2023 酵母1801号純米吟醸生酒
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The first sake from Shimane. The first sake brewed by a long-established sake brewery, reborn in 2022. It is served with a brand-new feeling. It has a gorgeous aroma and a firm flavor that spreads slowly in the mouth. Although it is a nama-shu, the taste is more impressive for its refreshing umami than for its freshness. We just had it with sushi, and it was an excellent match with the vinegared rice. This is a test brew, so I am curious to see how it develops in the future, and this is a bottle that I might try to follow. Delicious ❗️
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 901号酵母純米吟醸生酒
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The Takeshita Sake Brewery (birthplace of former Prime Minister Takeshita) offered this sake on behalf of the Tabe Takeshita Brewery 🍶. It is a test brew, and this one has four different types of yeast. Among them is yeast #901. Actually, I drank it all before posting 😅... I have a slightly faded impression of it, but I firmly remember that I liked the taste of it👍. I'd like to compare all the yeasts in this sake 😆.
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Sake made at the Tabe Takeshita Brewery, a sake brewery created through the business transfer of Takeshita Honten, the brewery that was the birthplace of former Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita. It has an apple-like aroma. It is soft on the palate, with a sweet taste that spreads and is extremely delicious.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 純米吟醸 生酒 18号酵母
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This is a test brew using yeast 1801 from a new brewery called Tabe Takeshita Brewery, which took over the business from Takeshita Honten. It is said that it will be put to practical use in two years? It has a fruity sweetness and a smooth, refreshing taste.
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 酵母1801号純米吟醸生酒
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Personal note Purchase price】 720mL 1870 yen (including tax) How to drink】Cold, before, during or after meals Percentage] Koji rice: 50%, Kake rice: 60% (100% domestic rice) Yeast used: 1801 Sake meter] - [Sake meter Acidity Amino Acidity Alcohol content] 15.0 Production Date] 2023.02 Appearance】Transparent and colorless, without thickening. Taste: [Taste: ★★★★★] It has a pineapple and pear-like aroma, stronger than the same sake yeast No. 901. In the mouth, it has a fresh, rich sweetness and full-bodied flavor, and the aftertaste is rich and ricey, and disappears quickly. The aftertaste is rich and ricey, and it disappears quickly. No change over time: ★★★★☆] No change. Comment] Compared to the test brewing yeast No. 901, it has more character and a stronger flavor. It has a slight tangy taste, so it will be even tastier when this is gone. Overall evaluation: ★★★★★
Okuizumomaewataya試験醸造 酵母901号純米吟醸生酒
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Personal note Purchase price】 720mL 1870 yen (including tax) How to drink】Cold, before, during or after meals Percentage] Koji rice: 50%, Kake rice: 60% (100% domestic rice) Yeast] No.901 Sake meter] - [Sake meter] - [Sake strength Acidity Amino Acidity Alcohol content] 15.0 Production Date] 2023.02 Appearance】Transparent and colorless, without thickening. Taste: ★★★☆☆☆】As the temperature rises, there is a pineapple and Japanese pear-like aroma. The palate has a mellow, understated sweetness and rice flavor, with a slight richness and bitterness in the aftertaste. The finish is slightly bitter and rich. Change over time: ★★★☆☆☆] The taste becomes stronger, but it also has a spiciness. Comment] This is a new sake, and while it is easy to drink with a refreshing, watery taste, it lacks character in terms of aroma and sweetness. However, it lacks character in terms of aroma and sweetness. We hope that through trial and error it will develop more character in the future. Overall Rating
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I was attracted by the words "test brew" and bought it. Clear, yet sweet and delicious✨This is a test brew, but at this level? I will definitely be following this brewery in the future!

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