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さかな🐟It's good! Zankuro is a brand that never fails to deliver. If you are used to drinking sake, this might be a good brand for you. I'm afraid I won't be able to continue if I try too hard, so please spare me your impressions. 😅
Zankuro芳醇辛口 ひやおろし
うえぽんAt a long-established yakitori restaurant in front of Komae station. It is dry and goes well with the sweet tuna stew. It has a pleasant sourness and leaves no aftertaste, which gives the impression that it was chosen by a long-established restaurant.
Zankuro芳醇辛口 斬れ潔し 純米生酒
ひでゆきAromatic. And thick. It has a good sharpness. It is truly graceful. After drinking, a pungent taste gradually lingers in the mouth. However, it is not bad.
Zankuro芳醇辛口 生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
ハリーZankuro Mellow Dry Nama Shu Alcohol content 16%. Rice polishing ratio 61 100% Miyamanishiki When I wanted to drink a draft sake, I found a Zankuro from the southern part of Shinshu. I found Zankuro from the southern part of Shinshu. Like the characters of "Zanrei Kijoshi", it has a clear and sweet taste with a sour taste. Sourness runs from a clear, deliciously sweet taste. I opened the bottle early today in support of Nadeshiko 📣! Edamame🫛 burdock salad🥗 grilled summer vegetables Chicken cutlet and miso soup Nadeshiko is a pity, if only they had been more aggressive in the second half from the first half. If only they had 😅, then Matsuki would be there after all! Not enough commentary, not enough cheering 📣‼️ The third one is a sign of autumn 🍂☺️ Home drinking 454
ポンちゃんHi Harry ☀☀☀. Nice name for a drink to cheer 📣😊👍I couldn't see it, but was he still an unexciting commentator? 😅I know how great Matsuki-san is 😊. Dragonfly, it's perched on your finger 😳‼️
ハリーHi Pon 😃 High school baseball⚾️ should not be patronized by the commentary, though, For international games, you need to be a cheer 📣 leader like Matsuki-san ❣️ Dragonfly, I gave him a finger ☝️ and he was assed, I guess he thought it was safe 😅.
Zankuro芳醇辛口 美山錦特別純米
100% Miyamanishiki grown with less pesticides is used. The rice polishing ratio is 61%. It has a traditional taste of "THE sake". It is dry, but also has a strong acidity that makes it a little tangy. Production date: October 2022