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MicSubdued aroma and sweetness Dry and full-bodied Bittersweet finish Slightly dry taste👍 Deliciously tasty. I like it ⒊5/5
ふくの鳥 大泉学園店
もふりーとIsshaku-Suisei Junmai-Ginjo Sake Mirai. As expected, the sake rice called Sake Mirai produces a beautiful sake. The aroma is clear and delicious. I can't get enough of it. But the staff at Fukuno Tori is just as good at pouring sake as we are. Look at how artistically they poured the sake into the difficult situation of a single gugumini and a small plate, and yet not a drop overflowed. It is beautiful.
ヒロOutside Drinking. CRAFT SAKE WEEK Team Jyushiyo Day Try a sake you've never had 💪. The color is cloudy and carbonated. The taste of rice is strong on the palate. There is some bitterness mixed in. A little sourness in the aftertaste. The mouthfeel is mild for a carbonated beer. Maybe because of the nigori component 🤔. The aroma of ginjo can be felt in the nose. It may be rich in aroma because I could feel it normally when I was outdoors and in a drunken state. There were so many people in line that it was hard to find the end of the line 😵. It takes a lot of energy to have a drink today 🤣.
はるIt has a full aroma and a slightly sweet taste, yet the sake flavor is well expressed. It has a gentle taste that is good before a meal.
Ippakusuisei純米吟醸 あらばしり
RooneyBoxAt CRAFT SAKE WEEK Arabashiri! It is fresh and tart, and you can enjoy it in large quantities! The alcohol content is a little high at 16 degrees, so it's dangerous!
アイラブ酒Hmmm... I wonder if drinkers like the taste: ❤️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ It doesn't seem to interfere with the taste of the food. In my opinion, it matches best with Japanese food (sashimi). It's like a sake from Tohoku (lol lol lol) Thank you for the food 😋.
えりりん🏠 I went to Akita so I bought some Akita 🍶💕. standalone Light sweetness from light drinking Spicy with a strong spiciness at the end? Bitterness? Food sake If you combine it with Bakke miso... I thought it would be a good match, but then the bitter taste of the Bakke doubled. Squid rings 🤔 I want to match it with Sashimi 🤔 I want to match it with sashimi... I couldn't get it right the first day 😭 Revenge! Yellowtail radish⭕️ Shime saba (mackerel) ⭕️ Leaf wasabi 💮. Shiso🥕 pickles⭕️ It's so delicious! Eating wasabi leaves makes me feel like it's spring 🌸. It's so sweet after drinking sake. I know it makes me fat, but I can't stop. (I know it's fattening but I can't stop.
ポンちゃんEririn, good morning 🐥. I feel spring when I see Eririn's bakke miso 🌱It's delicious with leaf wasabi! I'm tempted to drink it, but I'm not sure if I can find wasabi leaves 😁. White rice and sake are delicious ❣️ I eat them together every day 😆.
つよーだいHi 😆 haven't had a drink yet 😅I'm curious 🤔I'm also curious about bakke miso 🤔I like leaf wasabi.
Masaaki SapporoHi Eirin-san, ☀☀☀☀ Bakke means butterbur sprouts, it looks delicious, but it has become more bitter 😅.
ジェイ&ノビィHi Eirin 😃 I was just talking the other day about how I haven't had sake for a while! We were just talking the other day about how we haven't had it for a while 😊The combination of wasabi and sake sounds delicious 😍Leaf wasabi and sake 🍶 would be great 😋!
遥瑛チチGood evening, Erin! I love sake and miso, but I'm sorry it didn't go well with bakke miso...too bad! But I too would love to lick the miso and drink sake to feel the spring!
T.KISOGood evening, Erin😄. Ippaku is a sake that has a strong bitter taste, so you did well to buy it. I like this brand because I can feel the five flavors well 😘.
MantaErin Good evening ^_^ ICHIHAKUSUISENARI is a delicious sake, but it may be a little tough to double the number of bakke. But it goes well with many kinds of food. It's good to feel spring with food✨
えりりんPon-chan konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~~ An elderly person once told me that if you eat the first bakke of spring before eating wild vegetables, you won't get sick ‼️ I'll soak wasabi leaves in soy sauce and freeze them so I can bring them with me when I go 😉.
えりりんTsuyodai-san konbanhar(o´o)n~~~ I like Isshuisei in pink 🥰. I also wanted to try different sake rice😊. Spring is for wild vegetables and sake ♡.
えりりんMasaaki Sapporo-san konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~! In Iwate dialect, "Butterbur-floss" is called "bakke"! (**艸`)hmmm... It was supposed to be good with sake, but I made it bitter this year😅.
えりりんJ&N, konbanha(o´ω`o)no~~~ I just bought a bottle of Isshuisei sake future because it was one for each of us 😁. I'll have to go to the mountains and pick some more (*-̀ㅂㅂ)و✧
えりりんHaruei chichi-san konbanhar (o´ omega`o)no~~~ Spring = Bakke(σ̀ᴗ́́)σdajone! If you were closer, I would have brought you some wild vegetables. I'll make a mistake then, so be prepared....
えりりんT.KISO-san konbanhar(o´ω`o)no~~ I remember that bitter tasting liquor = T.KISO's favorite ❗️ But I couldn't stop my adventurous spirit to try it for myself 😆.
えりりんManta-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ I'm a kitchen planner, sometimes I make mistakes in the amount of seasonings. Tomorrow is the day of "shidou", "tarabou" and 🍶💕🎶. It's just a plan 😁.