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2-chōme-7-28 Settaya, Nagaoka, Niigata
map of Hasegawa Shuzo
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Niigata Prefecture. Nagaoka City. Hasegawa Brewery Co. Echigo Yukikohbai Special Junmai Sake. The most popular sake at the department store tasting was said to be "Echigo Yukikenbai Junmai Ginjyo Yukikura Aged", but we bought this one because it was our favorite. I bought this one because it was my favorite. The color is clear. The aroma is sweet, with a hint of apricot and caramel. The mouthfeel is smooth, and it goes down the throat easily. The taste is clear, yet slightly sweet, with umami spreading gently and gradually over the tongue. It is unadorned, mild, and gentle, but it is also very tasty. The aroma that comes through to the nose after swallowing is also apricot-like. There is also a slight bitterness in the taste, and it leaves a slight astringency on the tongue. It is mild, but also tingling. Overall, the slow spread of flavor changes is interesting. Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Alcohol content: 15%. Polishing ratio: 58
Hi Nemuchi 😃 What a nostalgic label! Not related at all, but it reminded me of Lotte's Koume-chan 😆.
Haruei Chichi, good evening 🌛The label here has a nice atmosphere 😊The small red plum blossoms are indeed somewhat reminiscent of Koume-chan 😆.
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Hasegawa Shuzo Echigo Snow Red Plum Special Junmai Sake This brewery is located in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. Gohyakumangoku" and "Hitogochi" produced in Niigata Prefecture. Hitogochi" rice polished to 58%. Gentle rice aroma, soft rice flavor soft rice flavor, and a gentle aftertaste with elegant fullness. Gentle aftertaste. #Japanese Sake
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Tonight, the main snacks include grilled chicken with tare and hachinos (second stomach of beef), Brewing forest is a good sake, but it seems like a good idea to leave it to the classics👍. So, the second sake I chose was Yuki-Kohmei, which is not so much classical, but surprisingly elegant 😅. At least, it's not a perfect sake for yakitori and motsu-ni. It is unexpectedly elegant. Yuukyuuzan is located in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. In my mind, it is the image of the Yuukyuyama Ballpark in the Yuukyuyama Park. Ichiro's first professional home run was one from Hideo Nomo in the Kintetsu vs. Orix game on June 12, 1993 at the Yuukyu-zan Ballpark. In Niigata Prefecture's high school baseball games, Yuukyuuyama Ballpark was also the stage for the summer finals from the Showa period to some extent in the Heisei period. I also remember going to watch the summer finals when I was in elementary and junior high school. Nowadays, the summer finals are held at Hardoff Eco Stadium in Niigata City, but the stadium is still used for official games and the spring finals.
Good morning(****). I've been a Nomo and Ichiro fan since I was a kid, but I didn't know about this. I wonder if he was still Suzuki to begin with. It's too surprising that a future big league star would make history here.
Good morning, Shinsho 😊. To begin with, your registered name was still Suzuki. In pro wrestling, Maeda NImei's debut was in Nagaoka (Nagaoka City Kosei Kaikan), and so on.
Hiraccio, good evening 🌇. I knew about the Ichiro and Nomo episode, but I didn't know about Noriaki Maeda's debut game... 💦. It's so dusty looking at this border label👍.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 😊. Congratulations on your San-in silver wedding trip 🚃. By the way, Maeda's debut opponent is Yamamoto Kotetsu. For people in Nagaoka, I guess the Spring Cherry Blossom Viewing 🌸 is the festival at Yuukyuyama Park.
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There is not much aroma, and the mouthfeel is clean. When you drink it, the sweetness spreads out and the umami flavor is easily absorbed. The final taste is a little bitter and alcoholic, but it is perfect for a light mealtime drink.
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I feel like I want to sleep but I can't. I wonder if it's disrespectful to drink when I'm in this kind of mood. I wonder if it's disrespectful to drink when I'm in this mood. I bought this set series at Costco. It feels like it goes into my body easily, without any kind of hook-up. I wonder if it tastes good. I wonder if it's different with someone else. What is my favorite technique in such a case? Read a letter I received from my child 10 years ago. I read letters I received from my children 10 years ago. I gulp. I think it's sweeter than before. I'm not sure what to say 🍶. I wish you a good day tomorrow.
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I bought a 300 ml set from Costco before, I had three left: ☺️ I don't know much about sake, so I can't really give you a good impression. I can't say how I feel about it because I don't know much about sake, but I have the impression that it's less sweet and more refreshing than the last one I had. ☺️ So how does it compare to the last one? I'm not sure anymore 😆. It's not peculiar, so it makes me want to eat something. Maybe I'll buy some knobs next time. 🌸It's blooming now!
雪紅梅純米吟醸 雪蔵熟成純米吟醸
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Echigo Sesshokenbai Junmai Ginjyo🍶 (Echigo snow red plum) Echigo-Tanrei 55% polished and stored in ice-cold bottles in a snowy warehouse. It is an aged type stored in ice-cold bottles in a snow warehouse. ❄️ Rounded taste with no corners. It has a gentle sweetness like Wasanbon. Basically, it is a light sake, but it has a lingering aftertaste that lasts for a while. but it has a lingering aftertaste that lasts for a while.

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