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2485 Kamogatachō Honjo, Asakuchi, Okayama
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Chikurin Check-in 1
Chikurin Check-in 2Chikurin Check-in 3
What do you think of Okayama Prefecture's sake? That's right, bamboo groves! Okayama is famous for its Omachi sake rice, but this brewery seems to brew their sake with home-grown Yamada Nishiki. This time it will be a summer sake made with Asahi sake rice✨. First of all, the label is too beautiful 😆 The starry sky looks great in the summer night sky 🌟, so we opened the bottle! The first aroma is like a fresh green apple. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the light citrus sweetness for a moment, and then the sourness and bitterness will spread in your mouth. It is just like a summer sake and goes down the throat very nicely! Well, it is really light! Unfortunately, it is cloudy tonight and we can't see the stars, but I thought it would be nice to look at the summer night sky while drinking this sake 😆. Thank you for the drink 😋.
Chikurinふかまり 瀞純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Chikurin Check-in 1
First time in Okayama🤣🍶✨✨ Oh! Delicious😊🍶✨✨ What's... Delicious🤤🍶✨✨ deep fried It's like a pool 😊🍶🍶.
Congratulations on your first sake from Okayama, chika🎉! I've only had one sake from Okayama, so I'm curious to see what kind of delicious sake it is 🎵.
Good evening, ma-ki-chan 😆👍✨✨ Okayama... it's not easy to find 😅. I finally got to drink 😆✨✨✨ When you find a good sake 😆👍👍Yatta! I'm on the hunt for a repeat sake 😁🍶✨✨.
Chikurin Check-in 1Chikurin Check-in 2
Chikurin Check-in 3Chikurin Check-in 4
Hoshi Oboro Jungin Sweet aroma. It swells. Dry aftertaste. It is very strong. Not strong, but slowly persistent. Acidity. Light, but with character. 85 points Sweetness: 2.6 Acidity:3.2 Dryness:2.8 Hinted aroma:2.7
Chikurinオーガニック EARTH SCIENCE純米吟醸
Chikurin Check-in 1Chikurin Check-in 2
OSAKA SAKE & FOOD EXPO 2024⑰. This is the booth of Marumoto Sake Brewery, a sake brewery in Okayama. The company cultivates its own rice through "San-Ou rice cultivation" (organic cultivation in which the rice is starved three times). They also make a very sweet sake, which is my favorite, and I talked to them 3-4 times in total. Takebayashi Junmai Ginjoshu Organic EARTH SCIENCE. The moment I drank it, it had a sense of maturity, but it was full of sweetness and umami. When I asked him about it, he said it had been aged for about 2 years. It was still delicious 😋. I couldn't talk much with the brewer this time, but I told him that they are promoting their products.
Chikurin Check-in 1
This Sake is sweet like syrup. It has a full and juicy mouth feel and a mild flavor of cherries. Maybe vanilla? 🤔 The finish is a little acidic which helps cleanse the pallet.
ChikurinEarth Science bio純米吟醸
Chikurin Check-in 1Chikurin Check-in 2
Ogimachi Park (扇町公園)
OSAKA SAKE & FOOD EXPO 2024⑭ Marumoto Sake Brewery's booth. The same people from Takashimaya and the Japanese Sake Festival were there, and when Nemuchi-san greeted them, the brewery staff seemed to remember him😊. Sake made with organic Yamadanishiki. It's delicious, but I can feel it's been aged for quite a while... Did I mention it's aged for a year? I looked up this sake and found very little information about it 🤔... I left the booth with only this sake since I had already had many other sake at other events... 🤔... 〜Postscript It was 2 years old! Sorry 💦.
Hi bouken, ☀☀☀ said 2 years old here 😊.
Good evening, Nemuchi 😃 Aaaaahhhhh 😱 yes, it was 2 years 🤣. I corrected it 😔.
Chikurin星朧 純米吟醸 原酒
Chikurin Check-in 1
It was recommended to me at the store😊. Takebayashi has the image of a hiragana 4-letter brand, but it's a spring-only sake and the name "Hoshi-Oboro" is cool, so I chose to drink it w It has a moderate umami taste with a touch of acidity and astringency, making it easy to drink overall! I paired it with a smoked fish appetizer, and yes, it's good! 👍 I'll keep that in mind!

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